Chapter 4: One Step at a Time

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It was late in the afternoon, were walking side by side out  of the forest, entering the now lively town of Onett. Cars raced down the streets, honking their horns, businesses were busy, and kids played along the side of the rode. You two were mostly chatting, and goofing around, leaving the awkward tension that occurred in the forest behind.

At one point, you found a rock the size of a small baseball. For a while you were tossing it between your feat, occupying yourself, but then you unintentionally passed it over to Ness's side. He kicked it back, starting a miniature game of pseudo soccer, using the rock you found.

The game lasted for quite a while. In fact, you two stopped for a while just to continue the game, kicking the rock in various ways, balancing it on feat, chipping little pieces of the rock in the process.

The fun ended however, when Ness accidentally kicked the rock a bit to hard, forcing it to land on a brick wall, shattering it in half.

The both of you took that as an omen to stop, before someone was harmed.

You walked down the streets of Onett, Ness stopping every couple of feat or so, saying hello to the people he knew, or possibly to total strangers.

You walked through the busier side of the town, filled with tiny shoes and food places. The smell of fast food made your stomach growl harshly. Then again, you haven't eaten since... yesterday, now that you thought about it.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Ness chimed, smiling.

You shrugged. "I don't know... what do you eat around here?"

"Hamburgers, Pizza, fast food, you know the usual." Ness answered.

That sounded so familiar to you...

"I really would like some Pizza, actually..." you recommend. "But it's your town, pick what ever you want."

"But you're the guest," Ness insisted. "That means it's your choice."

"I just don't want to sound... picky, you know?"

"You don't actually," the raven haired boy replied, gripping the handles of his backpack.

"Quit trying so hard to be modest, just relax, alright? You seem nice.... so far."

"So far...?" You question, arching your brow, trying hard not to sound... offended.

"No offence..." Ness said quickly.

"Though I still want to get to know you better... and as long as you treat me, my family and friends right, we'll get along just fine. That's why I said... so far."

You kept that in mind.

You also picked up the implication that you barely earned his trust. He was only being nice because...  that was Ness just being well Ness, you assumed. He didn't seem like the type of person to be intentionally mean, and with the way he spoke... it sounded specific.

Very, specific.

You wondered how many times this boy has been stabbed in the back... Probably a thousand times over.

"Pizza, was it?" Ness said, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah, I don't have a taste for anything else." You say.

Ness took the lead, finding a small Pizzeria in the corner of town. It looked just like any other food place, a menu hung on the ceiling, the dominate bright color was red, with white crystal clear letters which made it easy to read. Standing in the front desks were two cashiers, waiting for their next costumer.

"Can I help you, today?" Said the lady, catching your attention.

"Oh..." you say, being thrown off guard. 

You didn't have any money. 

"It's alright, I got ya." Ness said, handing you a couple of bills.

"Thanks," You say, not expecting it. 

Ness went to the other cashire to order his own food. You stayed behind, thinking about what you wanted. You settled on ordering a medium size cheese pizza with a drink and a chocolate chip cookie on the side.

Ness already had his food and picked a booth on the other side, located closest to the door. He looked over to your direction and signaled you to come over. In reponce, you walked over and at down on the other side of the bench, Ness focusing on his food and you did the same.

For the most part, food was the main focus. You guys didn't really speek, and the awkard tension returned in the air. It was like two students being forced to sit together, with almost nothing in common, as far as you knew of course. 

It wasn't untill you two were nearly done with your food that you began to act like normal kids again. It actually started when Ness grew board and flicked a peice of balled up straw paper, hitting your face. You didn't see it, being the daydreamer you were.

Instinctivly, you scruntch your face before realizing what actually happened. You look up at Ness, who was trying hard not to laugh, guilt was written all over his face at the same time.

You flicked it back, but missed, horribly.

"Nice aim," Ness joked, you huffed and frowned.

"I swear, you dodged that!" You say, a little peeved.

"Wanna bet?" Ness challenged, his faced looked smug.

With out giving him a warning, you picked up a peice of paper and threw it at Ness.

He caught it. With ease. As if he knew it was coming.

You sat there stunned.

"Dude," you breathed, sounding defeated.

Ness laughs.

It was silence after that, the both of you day dreaming, looking out the window....

Mostly avoiding each other....


Eventually, you two finisned up the last few slices of Pizza, got up from your seats, and cleaned up your mess. Almost everything was automatic, untill you reached to the door.

Ness beat you to it.

"After you," he said, trying to pass it off as a joke.

He stumbled over his words.

You noticed it.

You two just stared at each other.

Move you idiot... you thought to yourself, and eventually found yourself walkimg through the door. Ness closed it behind you.

What was that all about...?

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