Chapter 6: From the Past

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Your dream started off like any other.

There were colors, soft warm colors that looked like they belonged to a bright summers afternoon. Everything felt hazy, lacking shape and order.

Out off all the colors you saw... green was the most  prominent, different shades of green ranging from darkest to brightest. You saw different shades of blue, obviously the sky and the green was the grass and tress, had to be. The picture didn't become clear enough until you saw a pair of familiar looking shoes right below you.

Your shoes.

You looked up, the area became clear.. you realized that you were in the middle of a park. Children, really young children... maybe no older than five or six looked to be playing a couple of rounds of baseball.

You were around the same age... yes... you were. A younger version of yourself facing a group of boys, but your attention was on your shoes, kicking the grass as you stood.

You stopped when a small white ball with large red stitches stopped at your feat. Curiously, you picked it up and studied it in slight confusion. When you looked up from the ball, a boy with a red and blue cap appeared in front of you.

"Excuse me, that's mine..." said the boy, trying to be polite.

"Hmn?" You said, feeling almost embarrassed. "Oh... I'm sorry. Here."

You lent out the ball in your hand and the boy gladly took it

"Thank you,"  He said with a small smile.

You gave him a shy smile.

"Wanna play?"


"Do you wanna play?" He repeated.

"Oh..." you said. "I don't think I can..."

"I'll teach you. Come on!"

The boy grabbed you by the wrist, making a light shade of bright pink appear on your cheeks, pulling you along into the large grassy fields. 

That's when you woke up. 

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