Chapter 5: Awkward Rewards

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You walked home in an awkward state, which stung like a thousand bees attacking you two at once.

A warm, yet unfamiliar feeling settled in your stomach. Admittedly, every time you looked at him your heart seemed to flutter, even if it was just for a little bit.

You only thought he was cute, and since it's only been a day and a half, no other real traits stood out just yet. He was being nice to you for... well, just to be nice really. It wasn't like he was trying to make a move on you.. right?

You two were silent until the house was in sight. You stayed no less then five feet from each other, mostly to save each other from embarrassment.

Approaching the hill, you heard the sound of a dogs bark from not to faraway. You saw a little white shabby looking dog, standing up alone in an old dog house. The barking came to a halt once he saw you, tilting its head in curiosity, wondering why a complete stranger was walking behind its owner.

"Hey King," Ness called out, walking up to the dog and giving him a small scratch behind the ear.

Who's the girl? said a voice, which seemed to have ranged in the back of your mind.

Wait... did you just...

"A visitor, she's staying with us for a while until she heals." Ness replied.

Alright then... said the voice. Don't be getting ideas.

Ness's cheeks flushed a bright pink. "King!"

Gotta go, time for my afternoon nap.

King then rushed off and went back to his dog house, twirling around in a circle before laying down in the dirt.

You know you didn't hear that dog speak.

You know you didn't see Ness communicating with it.

Should you bring this up?

Probably not.

"N-nice dog," you stammered, trying to hide your shock.

"Thanks," Ness replied. "He's been around for as long as I can remember. I think I was about... three when I got him."

"Huh," you say. "He seems pretty loyal.

"Not really." Ness stated, getting up and brushed the dirt off his paints. "Put this dog in a fight, or any scary situation and he'll run like the wind."

"Sounds charming," you laugh.

"He nearly ate my hat once, what's so charming about that?" Ness said, taking off the hat and brushing some mud off of its bill. You could see little bite marks on its edge.

That... soft looking raven black hair... exposed to the wind.

Though you couldn't help but want to run your hand through it...

Your small little fantasy ended when Ness put the hat back on, that nice head of hair being tucked neatly underneath the cap.


He just had to look better with out it.

It took you a moment or two to realize that Ness was giving you a strange look.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, curiously.

You blinked twice.

Oh boy.

Did he notice?

"I'm fine," you said, finally snapping yourself out of your... tiny little... dreamy state.

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