Chapter 18: Through the Storm

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Since it was fall, it rained harder than ever before.

It started around noon. The sky became so think with clouds, it looked to be six hours later. Thunder rumbled for and a little rain occurred, starting around three. Then at around six, it was lightning and thundering like crazy.

Ness didn't dare leave the house today. He looked like he had something planed, but once the thunder came about he stayed inside. Though it was nice, considering it was Sunday, and you were too tired to do anything.

So you and the rest of the family decided to play video games for the rest of the day. Sometimes it was multiplayer, sometimes it was single player when everyone else wanted to take a break.

Then power went out.

"Awe crud..." Ness said out loud once the TV flickered out.

"Seems like Nature isn't on our side." Tracy stated

"Do we have flashlights?" You asked curiously.

Tracy nodded. "I'll go get them."

She got up from the couch and left, leaving you and Ness behind.


You looked over at Ness who didn't seem to move at all. Hands still griped the sides of the controller and the blanket was still draped over his shoulders. Almost frozen in place.

"Ness?" You question, sounding concerned.

With wide eyes he glanced at you, as if you just snapped him out of a daze.

"Huh, what?" He replied, jumping a bit.

"You okay? You're quieter than usual."

"I'm fine..." He messed with the buttons on the controller.

You weren't taking it. "You look really pale."

Ness preferred to stay silent after that. Obviously something was bothering him, and whatever it was, he was too afraid to either say it or admit it.

So you just...left it at that.

Though your many curious questions were answered to soon.

A flash of lightning appeared and Ness suddenly screamed, jumping out of the couch and taking the blanket with him, running up the stairs.

"Hey!" You shouted, watching Ness disappear with the blanket and not returning with it.

What the heck just happened?

You sat their pretty much dumbfounded for a while when Tracy came back with four different flash lights in her arms, along with a fresh pack of batteries. She stood their, looking at the couch.

"Where's my brother?" Tracy asked, sounding even more confused then you were.

"He ran up stairs," you reply. "Literally."

Lighting flashed again, ending with a loud crack of thunder, followed by a loud thunk coming from up stairs.

"That doesn't sound good. Let's go, quickly!"

Tracy raced up stairs while still carrying the flash lights in hand. You were quick to follow.

When you got there, it wasn't a pretty sight. A bright green light replaced the darkness, radiating from the crack of Ness's bedroom door.

"This...not good." Tracy said, hesitating to open the door.

Ness was extremely quiet on the other side.

"Is he okay...?" You asked, your voice shaking a bit.

"I'm... I'm not sure." Tracy replied.

"If I check on him, I might get hurt... but my brother he needs me."

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