Chapter 8: A Growing Friendship

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Even though you've only been here for a couple weeks, three to be precise, talking to Ness was almost like talking to a brick wall.

He was nice and all, but there were only a few things you knew about your roommate. Few of those things you learned by accident, but for the most part Ness kept himself locked behind bars.

You wondered why?

Theory after theory came in and out of your head but some of them were really outrageous.

Maybe it was because you were a girl and he was a boy. Sharing even the lightest information that was clearly uncomfortable could shatter any amount confidence he had.

Well.. now the more you looked at it, you wonder how much of that was actually real.

Ness crumbled at times, especially when he was caught lying. But he was quick to get himself right back up, as if nothing happened.

You headed down stairs and basically waited around, wondering to the different corners of the room.

You were afraid to touch anything. As if everything was so delicate.

Ness was hurt, you could tell. He kept people at a distance while trying to be nice to them at the same time, only letting a few inside.

You really wanted to get to know him and you really wanted to be come friends. Maybe there were some things that you weren't meant to know.

And if he did tell you, what good it will do you?

Worst case scenario, you're own agenda.

To use against him.

You weren't going to do something like that... ever. But maybe that's whats going through Ness head.

He didn't want to get harmed again, any shape or form.

Besides, it wasn't like you could read minds.

Though... the reason why could you hear Kings thoughts would question that could send you to the nut house.

It took a moment or two for Ness to finally come down and out of his room. He was dressed in a golden yellow jacket wearing longer pants, the usual autumn out door attire.

He looked at you for a moment, then he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry if I sounded rude earlier." Ness apologized, throwing you off guard.

"It's okay, really." You say. "I was trespassing, you had every right."

"That's... not an excuse, you were just curious." He said as if he was.. reassuring himself in a strange way.

"It's not like I know much about you," You say, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing what ever fruit was in the fruit basket. It was a banana, a little brown and soft but it was still edible.

He looked up at me, though his expression was blank.

"I mean, I've been here for almost half a month... we should at least be friends by now, right?"

Ness sucked his cheek, then let out a quiet 'hmn' as if he was thinking.

"I guess... You do have a point."

You pealed your banana.

"When I first saw you, you looked so strange and different that I wasn't sure to trust you weather or not." He explained.

You took a bight, listening intently.

"But you looked so hurt that I just felt compelled to help. You also looked... lost."

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