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Marinette P.O.V.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG" I say as the city of Paris once again goes back to it's original form, it's been a month since me and Chat know each other's secret identities. November is about to end which means I have a little less than three weeks before winter break. I have been trying to act as natural as possible but spend the least time possible with both Adrien and Chat, I had to lie to Alya and say that me and him got in a discussion so I didn't want to talk to him.

"Pound it!" Me and Chat say.

"I thought I was going to dye back there" Chat says, making a pun about the akumatized victim who dyed peoples skin black so they could only feel hate.

"Very funny, well I'm off, I still have things to do" I tell him and I leave. I get home and lay on my bed, I lied to him just to get away as fast as possible.

"You can't keep running away like that Marinette, he just wants to get close to you, you know. You did say he had to like both sides of you, yet you don't let him get close to either side" Tikki says to me.

"You're right Tikki, I'll stop running away from him" I say to her.


"Okay class, for your final you will be doing a project in partners," Miss Mendeliev announces, me and Alya look at each other smiling. The whole class already know who they are going to choose and small chatter can be heard.

"Don't get too, excited. I have already chosen your partners" she announces, the whole class gives a synchronized sigh. "I will now announce your partners, move if necessary, there is NO changing partners, don't even try. I have the partners memorized and backed up into various devices." she says as she grabs a folder, I can hear Chloe let out a 'hmph'.

"Pair 1: Alya and Nino" she says.

"You two are meant to be," I say as I whisper and wink at Alya as I stand up to let Nino take my place, I stand next to my seat so I can move when they announce who I get to be with.

"Pair 2: Mylene and Ivan" she says, the couple look at each other excited and sit next to each other.

"Pair 3: Alix and Kim," Miss Mendeliev as Alix rolls her eyes not moving from her seat, Kim sighs and moves next to her. I look around and spot Nathaniel, I wave at him as he blushes and waves back at me, I smile and turn back to the front,

"Nathaniel and Max" she names and you can hear some shuffling as Nathaniel moves next to Max.

"Pair 5: Juleka and Rose, Pair 6: Chloe and Sabrina" she names them, I realize that this means that I ended up with...

"And pair 7: Adrien and Marinette" I go down a step and sit in Nino's spot, Adrien smiles nervously at me and I smile back. WHY ME?! I said I wouldn't run away but this is a cruel turn on fate.

"Those will be your pairs, you have until the end of next week to turn in your project, all required information can be found in chapter twenty of your books" she tells us.

"Miss, how come Marinette gets to be paired up with Adrikins!?" Chloe interrupts while standing, "Me and Sabrina are alway partners! Marinette can have Sabrina for this project" Chloe whines making Sabrina frown.

"Miss Bourgeois, as I said, all partners were chosen for a reason, I'd expect you to know how to behave in the classroom" Miss Mendeliev snaps at Chloe. Chloe clearly angry just sticks her nose up in the air and sits down.

"Don't get any funny ideas Marinette, there is no way Adrien could like you" Chloe says as Miss Mendeliev glares at her.

"No surprise there" I mumble quietly as I place lean my face in my hand, I feel Adrien staring at me, did he hear me?!

The bell rings and Miss Mendeliev excuses us for the day.

"So how should we do this?" Adrien asks once we are outside of the classroom.

"Well, today is Friday and it's due next Friday. How about we both research the topic this weekend and talk about it on Monday? If you want we do the actual project at my house as many days as necessary after school." I tell him as I think it through.

"That's a great idea, if we don't get anything we can always text each other right?" he asks me.

"Sure, do you have my number?" I ask him remembering the time I stole his phone causing myself to blush.

"Actually no," he says, we exchange phone numbers and we take our leave,I am very sure this will be an eventful week.

A/N: This is the shortest chapter yet and it's quite uneventful I know! But the next chapter has more action between these two! Ive been thinking about maybe adding a chapter with Alya and Nino's P.O.V. but I don't know if you guys would like that ....  Please tell me ...
'Till next time!

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