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Alya P.O.V.

"Okay men, operation stalk Marinette has commenced!" I exclaim, I love my b.f.f. so it's only natural I worry about her when she goes on a date! I mean I know she said it wasn't a date, but it's very obvious and clear that Nathaniel has a MAJOR crush on her so I have to see what happens.

"Babe, I kind of get why you would want to do this but why are me and Adrien here?" Nino asks me. We're currently hiding behind a tree while Marinette and Nathaniel walk towards a café around the corner.

"Because you're my boyfriend, and it's obvious Adrien wanted to come," I reply as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, WHICH IT IS!. I just hope I don't miss any Ladybug action while I stalk- I mean I follow my friend.

-Flashback to earlier-

"We need to follow Marinette later" I whisper/yell to my boyfriend while we eat lunch together.

"Why?" he asks me, at that moment I hear footsteps only to see Marinette. I freeze a little hoping she hasn't heard anything.

"Oh, Hi Marinette!" I say causing Nino to spin around looking towards Marinette as well.

"Hey Alya, I have to go to the bathroom, see you in class" she says as she leaves, I let out a sigh thankful she heard nothing.

"Look, we need to follow her because she is going on a date with Nathaniel! I love my best friend but she is really clueless, she thinks she is just 'helping' him with some sketches but he likes her so I don't know what might happen" I explain to him.

"Planning on following Marinette I see," I hear Adrien say as he pops his head between me and Nino, I feel him rest an arm on one of my shoulders and see the other one on Nino's.

"As a matter of fact we are," I tell him.

"Wait, are we really doing this?" Nino asks me in disbelief.

"Yes! We are" I tell him as I shoot a glare at him.

"This is not how I planned to spend my Monday afternoon" he says.

"We have to do this!" I tell him, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, fine" he says giving in to me.

"Do you need someone to help?" Adrien asks, I forgot he was here, although how could I when his head is in the way. I look at him and notice something... somethings different.

"We're just following her, not kidnapping her" I say.

"Well yeah, but you know, maybe you might need help in some way, I mean you're easy to spot and I can provide disguises," he says, I look at him, something is just different, before he would be so indifferent, a plan like this wouldn't even draw his attention. Hmm.. what is it? I got it! He likes Marinette!

"Wait a minute, you aren't jealous, are you?" I ask making a sly face.

"W-wh-what? psst, me? Why should I be jealous? I just want to make sure he doesn't try anything, you know, sneaky!" Adrien says, oh god he's acting like Marinette! Which means... time to play a little cupid!

"Fine, meet us after school, behind the tree across the street from the entrance!" I say to him.

-End Flashback-

All three of us poke our heads around the corner of a building and watch as Nathaniel holds the door for Marinette letting her walk into the coffee shop. That's so sweet! Focus Alya, we need to help Adrien! Marinette has liked him for almost two years!

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