jealousy maybe

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Adrien P.O.V.

I enter school fifteen minutes early and I see Alya and Nino holding hands while looking at her phone, I walk over to the lovey-dovey couple.

"Good morning lovebirds" I say to them making them look up from the screen.

"'Morning bro," Nino says as we do our handshake.

"Good morning," Alya says rather coldly.

"Is Marinette not here yet?" I ask them, I notice Alya's knitted ladybug sweater and try my best not to fanboy.

"Oh she's here alright, she gave me this sweater as a matter of fact! A hand knitted Marinette original," she brags to me. It makes me a little envious but I remember I got Marinette to make me a hoodie, even better, a hoodie that matched with hers!

"I'm going inside then, I'll leave you two" I say as I take a step back, I want to see Marinette, all weekend I was busy with christmas photo shoots! I couldn't even check my phone because Natalie would be pushing me from one place to another.

"'Kay bro" Nino says as he turns his full attention back to Alya, I can tell Nino got hit right in the face with love. When we hang out together he mentions her all the time and asks advice on how to make her happy not that I'm very good with this love business. I think it's great how in love he is.

I walk to the classroom and see Kim and Max talking outside the classroom, I wave to them and say good morning as I walk in.

"H-how about we go to the c-café around the corner?" I hear an all too familiar voice ask, I look and see Nathaniel standing next to Marinette's desk, he has a crimson blush all over his face while Marinette smiles at him.

"That's a good idea! I've been dying to try their coffee, and it's supposed to be a very quiet place, so it's perfect!" Marinette says to him, causing him to turn a darker red, I swear I'm trying my best to keep my calm but he just... ugh.

"R-really? T-Then I'll wait for you at the entrance after school" he says to her, wait... ARE THEY GOING ON A DATE?! How can this be happening? This can NOT be happening! This is what happens for being a fool, it was just a matter of time before someone snatched my bugaboo away from me!

"Adrikins! Why are you just standing there!" Chloe exclaims as she quickly grasps me into an unwanted hug, I try to pull her away but I can feel everyone staring at me. I look up to see Marinette looking at me but she quickly turns her head and faces Nathaniel.Noooooo.

"Please get off me Chloe" I plead to Chloe, I'm sure that if Marinette is going out with Nathaniel, there is a reason, no need to make a big deal! But if Chloe keeps acting like this Marinette won't be able to see I'm serious about her!

"Chloe! Off!" I whisper/yell at her almost hissing. I hear a giggle and see that it's coming from Marinette, I can feel my face warm up and manage to push Chloe off of me.

"Hmph!" she says as she turns around and goes to her seat, to where Sabrina is sitting down rapidly typing on her phone. Probably doing something for Chloe. I finally walk to my seat.

"Good morning, Mari" I greet Marinette, I look over to Nathaniel and manage to muster a "good morning Nathaniel".

"Good morning" they greet back, Marinette smiles at me and I can't help but blush.

"What are you two up to this morning?" I ask savvily trying to get an explanation to why they are going to some café.

"Nothing, I'm just making plans with Nathaniel for after school" Marinette says, she has a smirk on her face, I know what she's up to, trying to make me jealous.

"Is that so?" I ask, trying not to grit my teeth, even though I know what she's up to I can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy.

"Y-yeah, Marinette is going to help me with a comic" Nathaniel tells me, bingo!

"Oh really!?" I ask, lifting my own mood up.

"Yeah, have you seen Nathaniel's drawings? He's reallygood," she tells me, she has a look in her eyes that makes me want to grab her and full on make out with her. Wait, what the hell?!

"Wow, I'd love to see your drawings someday Nathaniel," I say more to Marinette then at him.

"Oh you will, I'm almost a hundred percent sure he will win the comic contest he is entering" Marinette brags. I love it when she's like this, I look at her and cause her to blush.

Just then the bell rings and we all take out seats.

Marinette P.O.V.

"What was that earlier?" I ask Adrien as I corner him during lunch break.

"What do you mean?" he asks me innocently as he leans back onto the wall of the small corridor we're in.

"Oh, you know what I mean, I'm talking about this morning when I was with Nathaniel. That look and attitude you had" I say as I poke his chest.

"Hmm, mua? I don't think I did anything wrong" he says giving me a smirk, and leans his face towards mine. I swear this boy will be the death of me.

"Could it be you were jealous?" I ask him.

"..." he replies nothing but he widens his eyes, is he getting nervous? He opens his mouth but nothing comes out so he looks away instead.

"Cat's got your tongue" I ask him, now he's blushing(?).

"..." still no reply, just a flustered Adrien who is avoiding eye contact, he murmurs something I can't hear but sounds a lot like "as if tomato head", I just roll my eyes. There aren't any reason for Adrien to be jealous, because 1) I'm just helping Nathaniel 2) Adrien isn't in love with me... yet.

"You know I'm kidding, you don't have any reasons to be jealous anyway" I say to him as I turn around "see you in class" I say as I walk back inside. Deep down, I kind of hoped he was, even if in the slightest, a bit jealous. Don't fool yourself Marinette.

--------------time skip brought to you by dense feeling .----------------------------------

"I thought you liked Adrien!" Alya says to me as we get dressed in the locker room.

"Keep it down Alya," I whisper to her as I put on my boots and look to make sure no one is around,

"It's just I don't get it, you're going to a café with Nathaniel when just a month ago you were goo-goo for Adrien" Alya scolds me.

"Look Alya, I'm just helping Nathaniel with some designs for his characters, explaining my situation with Adrien is a little difficult but if you really want to know how about we go somewhere after school tomorrow? I can explain everything over a pastry or coffee" I tell her as I put on my scarf, I'll have to lie a little but it's the only way I'll make her stop asking.

"Deal, tomorrow we can go to that café your going to today" she says to me.

"Fine," I say with a sigh, I grab my bag and backpack. The bell rings and I bid farewell to her as I walk to the entrance, I spot a familiar redhead who smiles at me.

Alya P.O.V.

"Ok men, operation stalk Marinette has COMMENCED!"

(A/N)  yay .two chapters of over 2 thousand words .in less than 1 day .yay .well here is another chapter.and a little more .hope you liked it .
Tell next time my readers ,kitten and ladybugs .

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