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The answer is really clear kitty" I whisper in his ear, "I've always loved you" I say as I hug him tight. He smells so nice, like cologne, he's taller than me and I nuzzle into his chest.

"Is that a yes princess?" he asks me not letting go of me, I feel his breath on my neck.

"Well, I can't think of any other possible answer," I tease, he pulls apart from me and smiles.

"This is for you princess" he says pulling apart from me. He opens the small black box revealing two necklaces, one has a green cat paw and the other a ladybug. He grabs the small cat paw necklace, which shines; I notice the necklace is made out of small jewels. I blush just at looking at it, he smiles and walks behind me, he brushes my hair out of the way making me tremble. He puts the necklace around my neck, I can't manage to say anything but my face is red.

He walks back to face me, he has the cutest smile and his face is a pink shade.

"T-Thanks, i-it's beautiful. The cat paw will always remind me of you kitty" I say as I wrap my hand around the charm.

"Is the ladybug for you?" I ask as I point at the ladybug necklace.

"Y-yeah, I wanted to match..." he says as his face becomes red. I smile as I grab the necklace out of the box and walk behind him, he is taller than me so I get on my tip toes and swing the necklace around his neck as I put it on.

"There" I say as I get off of my tip toes. He turns to face me and I smile as I see the ladybug necklace around his neck.

"Purr-fect" he says, cracking his puns again, I just roll my eyes.

"Punny as ever I see" I say as I flick my finger on his nose, he then wraps one of his arms around my waist catching me of guard.

"So what do you want to do now M'lady," he says as his face is only inches from mine.

"Uhm... movie?" I squeak, he smiles and he presses a quick peck on my lip.

"Sounds fur-tastic!" he says, I roll my eyes again but smile.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask him as I pull apart from his grasp and walk over to where we keep our dvds. He comes to my side and I kneel down to grab a box full of dvds, he kneels down and looks through my dvd collection as I pss the box to him. I see him blush as he looks at a dvd.

"Found a movie kitty?" I ask him as I lean in to see, it's Cinderella.

"Uh... psh no..." he says as he looks away from me.

"It's my favorite movie and fairytale, you asked me about it at the party, remember?" I ask him as I look at him, his eyes widen and he smiles.

"I-It's also my favorite, but guys aren't supposed to like princess movies are they?" he says as he rubs his neck with his head.

"Guys are allowed to like anything they want, anyone is free to," I tell him as I give him a smile and he gives me one back.

"Can we watch it then?" he asks me, his face lighting up.

"Of course" I say as I giggle. I get up and so does he, he holds the dvd in his hand happily.

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