preparing for the ball

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OK. Sooooooooo .I am woundering are you guys going to kill me.
* grabs blancket and hides under the bed .* getting ready to make a run for it .soon that is all please comment and tell me if your going to kill me for killing chat

Got you .comment if you want to kill me for this 😂😂😂

"MARINETTE WAKE UP!" Tikki yells as I wake up covered in tears and sweat.

"Tikki! Oh Tikki!" I say as I hug her close and let more tears come out.

"It was horrible!" i say as I sob.

"It was just a dream Marinette, think positive! It's two in the morning, how about you drink some tea and go back to bed?" Tikki says, I pull myself together and nod as I head down to make myself some tea. It was all a dream. And I'm glad, because I don't think I would be able to keep going if something like that happened.

Time skip brought to you by the time of their lives

"You look gorgeous Marinette!" Tikki exclaims as I finish tying the bow on my dress.

"Thank you Tikki! Now I just have to do my hair" I tell her as I walk over to my mirror.

"Marinette your phone is ringing!" Tikki exclaims as she floats to me, my phone in hand. It's Adrien!

"Thanks Tikki... Hello?" I say as I answer.

"Hello princess, almost ready?" he asks me.

"Yep, just have to do my hair" I tell him as I plug in my flat iron.

"I bet you look nya-tastic!" Adrien says cracking possibly the worst pun I've heard.

"Did you just call me to make horrible puns?" I ask, now brushing my hair.

"Of course not, I wanted to apologize. I can't go pick you up personally because they dragged me here early for some kind of negotiation meeting, I have to be here instead of my father, so I'm sending gorilla to pick you up and I'll meet up with you if you don't mind" he says through the phone explaining his situation.

"Don't worry Mr. Business guy, I'll see you there, good luck" I say through the phone trying to send support.

"Is that the Miss?" I hear an old voice say through the phone making me blush.

"Hopefully in the future" I hear Adrien replies, I have to keep myself from squealing.

"I'll leave you to it kitty, I have to get dressed" I say to him.

"Of course princess, I'll count the seconds until I see you" he says and I hang up.

"OH MY GOSH TIKKI DID YOU HEAR THAT!?" I exclaim as I fangirl all over the room.

"YES! But be careful in your dress!" Tikki says, I nod remembering I do NOT want to ruin it.

I know this is a short chapter but I promise that I will try and make the next chapter longer ,since this was just a little fuller

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