4/4 Christmas special

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Thanks to everyone who has supported this holiday story. It really means a lot. Even from the first day I posted this story, I received a lot of support and positive feedback.I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you do or don't celebrate. Happy holidays! :)

Chat Noir ran into a nearby building and detransformed. Plagg came out of the ring and felt his tummy rumble in hunger. "Adrien, I'm hungry," Plagg complained. Adrien tossed Plagg a piece of cheese that he kept in case of emergencies like this. "Hurry up," Adrien said. "I need to give Ladybug her present." Plagg rolled his eyes and began to nibble on his cheese. He was slightly annoyed to be caught up in Adrien's romance problems.

Marinette was close enough to her house that she detransformed when she got there. She entered her room and sat down on her bed. Tikki was eating some sugar cookies that Marinette had left out for her. "Wasn't that adorable?" Marinette smiled, thinking about the proposal she witnessed. "Do you think Adrien would do something like that? Or would he be more formal?" Marinette was off in her own little world as she imagined all the possible scenarios of Adrien proposing. Tikki laughed as she ate her cookies. That girl was completely and totally in love.

Once Tikki finished her snack, Marinette transformed back into Ladybug and headed towards the Eiffel Tower. "I wonder what Chat Noir wants to talk about?" she wondered. "It sounded like it was important. I shouldn't keep him waiting." Meanwhile, Adrien had transformed into Chat Noir and was running towards the Eiffel Tower. "You can do this," he whispered to himself. "Just give it to her." Chat Noir reached the tower and began to scale it. He and his lady didn't meet at the bottom. They preferred the top, where they could see all of Paris. Ladybug was already there waiting for him when he arrived. Underneath the snowy moon, she looked more beautiful than usual. Her features were defined and she looked magnificent. She turned to Chat and smiled. He almost fell over after seeing it.

"Don't let her smile kill you yet," Chat Noir thought. "What did you want to talk about?" Ladybug asked as Chat sat down beside her. "I have a special present for you," Chat Noir said, giving her a feline-like smile. He pulled the box from his pocket and handed it to her. Ladybug took the box and opened it. Inside was a lovely ladybug necklace. Ladybug was amazed at the gift Chat had gotten her. It looked expensive. "You didn't have to do this," Ladybug confessed. "Should I help you put in on?" Chat offered. He took the necklace out of the box and clasped it around her neck. "It looks even better on you," he complimented.

Ladybug turned red. Though she loved Adrien, she wasn't immune to all of Chat Noir's compliments. "Merry Christmas, my lady." Chat Noir looked happy that she was happy. She felt guilty that she hadn't gotten him a present. She had been so worried about Adrien that a gift for Chat hadn't even crossed her mind. How could she make it up to him? Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. "I have a present for you too," she grinned. Chat Noir's eyes widened in surprise. He was glad to know his lady had been thinking of him too. "Lean in close and close your eyes," she whispered. Chat Noir moved in close and kept his eyes closed. "What could she being doing?" he wondered.

He felt something soft on his cheek. He opened his eyes and saw Ladybug kissing him on the cheek. He could hardly contain his excitement. Ladybug pulled away and gave him a smile. "A kiss on the cheek couldn't hurt," she thought. "Merry Christmas, Chat Noir," she said as she stood up. She tossed her yo-yo and flew away, leaving Chat Noir dumbstruck. "She kissed me..." he said quietly. "She kissed me!" It had been a good night for the both of them.

The next morning, Marinette was stressing about her "date" with Adrien. "What should I wear? What should I say? I need to apologize for yesterday! And when should I give him the cookies? What if I mess this up? What if he hates me?"

"Relax," Tikki gleamed. "Just be yourself and everything will be fine."

"That's easy for you to say, Tikki. You aren't me." Marinette decided on a red dress and black boots for her date. She couldn't seem to escape the Ladybug theme. She tied red ribbons in her usual hair style and to top her outfit off, she wore the necklace Chat Noir had given her. Even though it was a present from that cat, she loved it. Marinette put on her purse and let Tikki hide inside. She felt better with Tikki just being there. "Marinette, your friend is here!" her mom's voice called down from below. Marinette tensed up. It was Adrien. She put on her coat and wrapped a red scarf around her neck. She grabbed her cookies and headed downstairs.

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