nothing can go wrong

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Adrien P.O.V.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could stay like this forever?" I ask Marinette as we waltz slowly to the music. Her hand linked with mine while the other lays on my shoulder.

"It would truly be the dream" she replies softly, her cheeks are tinted a cotton candy pink color, every one of her hairs is neatly kept in place while her eyes shine with a brilliance I've never seen before.

"Princess, once we're done dancing I have a gift for you" I whisper in her ear as I lean in close, tightening my grip around her waist so that our bodies are closer than before.

"I-Is... so that? I-I mean... is that so?" she stutters clearly caught completely off guard.

"Yes, it's something special for you m'lady" I say whispering once again, I try my best to not get nervous myself. It's hard to keep my cool when our bodies are so close, it's as if only me and her were in this room living a fairy tale.

"You shouldn't have bothered getting me a gift you silly cat..." Marinette says, she moves back a bit and places her head on my chest as the song changes to a slow dance instead of a waltz.

"Thank you anyways, if it's from you I bet it's great" Marinette says as she slips her hand away from mine and places it on my other shoulder. I slide my other hand around her waist and slightly press my head against hers. This was the perfect moment, the moment I wish I could live in forever. This is our magical moment, the one you see in movies; the moment where everything feels okay for a moment and you know everything will be alright.

We sway to the music not speaking a word. The song seems similar but without any words it's hard for me to tell which one it is... it's a nice melody though. Marinette's head rests on my chest and I just hope my heartbeat isn't too loud. I feel her shift and look down to see her now staring at me, my cheeks immediately feel warmer.

"Do you know the name of the song?" she asks me, I simply nod no as I don't trust myself to speak.

"It's called 'a thousand years', you should listen to the lyrics one day. They describe exactly what I feel for you" Marinette says as her face becomes a pomegranate color.

"I don't know if words can describe what I feel m'lady" I say as I lean in closer, our foreheads meet and we lean in slowly closing our eyes.

But before our lips meet, a shriek bellows through out the room followed by a crashing sound and the lights going out. I hold Marinette closer as people gasp and some yell, trying to get outside where there might be light, some call out names and a few people bump into us.

"I AM DESTRUCTA! SOON I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL AND THE THINGS YOU LOVE AS WELL!" a woman with a ripped black dress shrieks. Her hair is messy and black, and she floats above being the only source of light. People scream and run, bumping into me and Marinette.

"Adrien we have to find a place to transform!" Marinette whispers to me as she holds on to me so we don't separate.

"Yeah, let's go!" I say as we start making our way deeper into the castle. Purple beams start lighting the room up, hitting some girls and women making them fall to the floor leaving them in an injured state, out cold.

"MUAHAHAHAHA, LET'S SEE WHO THE NEXT LUCKY PERSON IS! LITTLE RED RIDING GOWN IT'S YOUR TURN" Destructa shrieks, as she aims for Marinette lighting the room up purple with her bean but Marinette has quick reflexes and manages to not get hit. Destructa aims again and only manages to hit her dress ruining the skirt so now it was ripped up to her knee. She starts throwing pink beams and misses every time, with the pink beam she starts levitating objects and throwing them at Marinette who desperately runs in the dark trying to not get hit.

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