new years special

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I decides to write A new years even short story like how I did with Christmas and helloween so for the next 3 days counting today will update a chapter of the special story .as Well of you want a sequel for the Christmas special please tell me .

So with out further ado her is the first part of the news years special

As Well they will be verrrrrry long chapters about 7k to 9k words 

Adrien had finally had the perfect Christmas. After so long of big empty rooms and cold halls he finally had everything he had ever wanted, every last daydream he had ever come up with as a kid. The family, the food, the laughs, the tree, the girl… the kiss. He had everything and he honestly felt like something huge had changed. Not the obvious, which was that he had his crime fighting partner by his side almost every second they could manage, which made him the happiest he had ever been, but something more fundamental, like he as a person had grown. He had never wanted it to end but eventually Christmas passed and he was forced to return home, but even those large empty halls couldn't affect him anymore… because for the first time ever… he was generating his own warmth.

Perhaps that is what had changed. Marinette, Ladybug, had unlocked something in him, made him capable of creating that same unbelievable warmth she did. He had always marveled at the warmth of her home and the warmth of her smiles, but now even when he was all on his own his room now carried that same quiet joy. Others noticed too, almost instantly. When he first got in the car the morning after Christmas his driver looked over his shoulder, his eyes a little wide as he took in the boy sitting in the back before quickly brushing it off and heading for the manor. He had sensed it, the change, and immediately felt its benefit. Natalie saw it as well, the way Adrien almost skipped to his room, a goofy childish sweater hanging on his frame and a gentle earnest smile always on his face.

The whole house felt warmer, Adrien was more relaxed and laughed openly, and Natalie instantly wondered who it was. It had to be someone, a smile like that it… it had to be someone.

She turned her gaze back towards her desk, her eyes drifting towards the blinking call light on her monitor. She was happy for him, he deserved to have someone who made him smile that much, especially with someone like the man who was calling her for a father.

Natalie took a breath, fixing her hair with one hand before answering the call.

"Yes Mr. Agreste?"

Gabriel looked back at her from the screen, his expression cold and unreadable like always.

"Is my son home?"

She masked her uneasy expertly, even if internally she cringed slightly. She had hoped Adrien might have a moment to enjoy his happiness.

"Yes sir, he just walked in the door."

"Good, send him to my office."

"Yes sir."

The call ended as suddenly as it began and she sighed, delaying for a moment before steeling herself and rising to her feet. Personal feelings aside she still had her job to do.

Adrien had only been in his room for a few minutes when there was a knock on the door. The words, 'Your father wishes to see you in his study' were both entirely expected and utterly unwelcome but he smiled and nodded like a good boy before closing the door.

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