-Chapter 1-

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I sat with my knees up to my chest on the uncomfortable outdoor seat. My parents asked me to come to a "family get together" except it's just me, my mum and dad, my sister and her boyfriend. My sister goes through boyfriends like a baby goes through nappies. I watched my annoying younger sister, Amy, flirt with her little boy toy, Luke. Amy is only 1 year younger than me but every year counts. Luke, however, is supposedly older than her. I'm 20 which means Amy is 19 and Luke is meant to be 21. I'm not a stalker I just added him on facebook. I live with my best friend, Becky and her boyfriend. Unfortunately for me, I do not have a boyfriend so I'm stuck watching everyone around me do cute couple things and go out on nice dates while I sit in my room eating a tub of ice cream and listen to "punk rock" music. It's not punk rock at all, I was kidding.

As I let my daydreaming mind's thoughts fill my head I watched Luke take off his leather jacket and wrap it around Amy's shoulders. I sighed and looked down, my eyes were investigating my bare knee that was showing through my ripped skinny jeans.

"Honey? Were you listening?" My mother shook my arm. I blinked rapidly before looking up at her make-up filled face.

"Oh, No sorry, I was uhm..distracted" I glanced over at Amy and Luke who was now staring right at me and my parents.

"Oh well I was just saying how you, Amy and Luke should go out for a bit"

"Where? Mum, I'm almost 21 you don't have to treat me like a child," I rolled my eyes. I knew she was only doing it because she worries about Amy.

"To the park?"

"Really? I'm not 5" Amy complained tossing her hair to the side like a mean girl.

"Get up" I sternly told her off while I walked back inside to put on my ankle high boots. I felt a presence behind me while I tied up my boots so I turned around to see who it was. Luke was stood there on his phone, scrolling through what I presumed was Instagram.

"Shit, you scared me. Where's Amy?"

"Bathroom I think" Luke looked up from his phone to speak to me and smiled a friendly smile, showing off his deep dimples. I smiled back. "You have nice dimples"

"Thank you?" I replied laughing a bit. "I didn't even know I had any."

"Well, you do... So uhm...How are you?"

"Luke cut the crap you don't have to talk to me the same as you talk to my snooty parents. I'm just like you. We both like music and bands and singing and.."

"How do you know all this?"

"Facebook and Amy. Speaking of Amy how is your relationship?"

"It's...great," I smirked and nodded. Luke wasn't like Amy's other dicky boyfriends. He seemed genuine.

"Good to hear. Hey, can I have your number? In case you two run off on the way to the park"

"Yeah sure but why would we do that?"

"Because Amy says she isn't 5 years old but she sure does act like one."

"Oh right..Here" Luke put his number into my iPhone adding a little penguin emoji next to his name.

"Don't tell me you like penguins.."

"Of fucking course I do! If you're a pengua-phobe I'll fight you..like a homophobe but penguin version.." I burst into laughter at Luke's failed attempt at a pun.

"No, I love them!!" We were both laughing quite loudly when I heard my obnoxious little sister make an indescribable noise. A bit like a cough with her mouth closed but really high pitched like a high pitched sneeze.

"Why are you laughing with my boyfriend" Classic Amy.

"Amy Kanye tits. We were just discussing our love for penguins." I rolled my eyes, an annoying habit of mine. Amy is one of the most over possessive people I know.

"Yeah well, it better have been." Luke walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist before kissing her passionately. I turned my back on them before leaving the warm house into the cold night's air.

I shoved my hands into my warm coat pockets while watching my breath swirl around the air before evaporating.

"Hey! Gabbie! What the hell?! You just ran off" Amy whacked my shoulder, Luke by her side.

"Yeah sorry" I lied. I kept my head down and my mouth shut the whole way to the darkly lit park.

"You cold babe?" Luke nibbled on Amy's ear, making me cringe.

"Yeah baby"

"God, guys. No offence but you really need to stop. This is gross, seriously. If you wanna make out do it in private, not in a goddamn park." I kicked Luke's long leg which made him glare at me.

"Alright, I'm bored and cold. I'm going home" I slapped my thigh and got up from the swing set.

"We don't want to go!"

"Whatever Amy, have fun, Luke." I rolled my eyes and left the park through the rusty gate. I heard their whispers while I walked away into the darkness...

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