Chapter 30

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A/n: Sorry for so many time skips but they're pretty much a few hours later. Enjoy this slightly longer chapter!

-Luke's Pov-

Gabbie shuffled in front of me with the others, a groan escaping her lips. My eyes automatically studied her body from head to toe. I glanced above us where a thin piece of mistletoe hung loosely from the smoke detector.

Without a second thought, I carefully rested my hand on her shoulder. She turned around with confusion glinting in her eye. As soon as her eyes fell upon me, her face fell and a frown corrupted her face. I pointed up towards the mistletoe, making her cheeks flush pink and her head bow down. 

"Is this okay?" I asked, hoping her answer would be yes.

From the first day I arrived back here, I had a constant urge to kiss her. When she looked so sweet and innocent all I wanted was to wrap my arms around her again and just keep her away from all the dangers of the world.

She paused for a moment, making my heart race. She silently nodded, creating a tickling feeling in my stomach. I leaned in, getting a whiff of her usual coconut scent. My lips only briefly connected with hers because I was afraid she would run away. She leaned into the kiss, sending a million thoughts around my head. Before it became more than a simple kiss, I leaned back. 

"Guys, hurry up!" I heard Ashton yell for us. I looked at Gabbie who wasn't looking me in the eyes. Did she hate it? What did I do wrong? I began to panic about the smallest things. 

"Are you coming?" Gab asked me, still avoiding eye contact with me but pausing further on in the hallway for me. 

"Uh, yeah. I'll be there in a second, okay? Just tell the others to start opening presents." She simply nodded and continued walk, greeted in the living room with a crowd of cheers.

I leaned my head against the wall while pinching the bridge of my nose out of habit. When I told her she didn't mean anything to me anymore I kept telling myself that I was doing the right thing, it felt true. I really only said that to her because I was with Sophia. But coming back here, seeing how she's barely brought back feelings I thought I disposed of weeks ago. Fuck feelings. Fuck romance. 


There she was, peacefully humming away to herself as she poured a glass of orange juice. It reminded me of a scene from a cringey 1980's movie where they fall in love and everything runs perfectly. Life isn't like that, though.She caught my eye by accident, making me cough awkwardly but walk up to her anyway. 

"Hey," I mumbled, leaning against the counter just like I had done before I went on tour and told her I loved her. 

"Hi," She mumbled sadly, gnawing at her bottom lip. I raised my hand to her lips, pausing her biting. 

"How many times have I got to tell you not to do that."  

I felt her take a deep breath in and out against my thumb that was gently resting on her bottom lip. She shook her head and walked over to the sink where she began to wash her hands. 

"You look...dressed up." She commented on my outfit. I was wearing black skinny jeans with a red and black plaid shirt and a leather jacket. The truth was that I was going out on a date with Sophia who had travelled her just for me. I didn't want to but it was better than moping around with Gabbie on my mind. It was especially hard to forget her when she was always around. "You going out?"

"Yeah, actually," I replied, not really wanted to tell her where. 

"Another date?" She asked, finally turning around in my direction. I desperately looked for her eyes to see how she felt about it but they were hidden by loose strands of hair. 

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