-Chapter 15-

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One cannot understand how I felt at this very moment if you had never met someone you despised so greatly in a friendly place.

Ruby. The queen of all bitches.

Ruby had been causing drama on social media a few months ago due to her outings with Michael. Of course Michael hated how everyone was treating her like dirt when she was so... 'delightful'?

On occasions Ruby would join the group for a meal or drink but would disappear within a couple of hours.

Another thing to add to the list is her constant need to show everyone in the room Michael is her boyfriend- her property.  Once she came up to me and told me "Michael is mine" and went on about how she owned him. I did try to tell her Luke was my boyfriend and I had never had any attraction towards Mikey. 

Unfortunately for me and the boys (excluding Michael) Mikey had invited Ruby to hang out with us. 

"Michael I-I have to tell you something.." Ruby's squeaky voice made all conversations come to a quick stop.

Michael's hand slipped into her's effortlessly.

"I-I like someone else..."

Michael's happy expression turned to a frown. His eyes dropped, a sore sight to the eyes. Luke's hand (that was conveniently placed on my leg) squeezed me lightly.

"Do I know him?" Ruby's eyes snapped up, a guilty expression flooding her face.

"A-actually it's a she..." Michael's eyebrows raised and he slightly stuttered out his words. Well, they were more like incoherent curse words mashed into one sentence.

"You're a... lesbian?" I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment for poor old Michael. Me and Luke had slightly suspected something like that a few weeks before.

I knew if i stayed to hear the rest of the conversation I would burst into uncontrollable laughter which would definitely ruin our friendship. Without further thinking I slipped away - "excused to the bathroom".

A few minutes after locking the bathroom door I heard a light knock on it. I unlocked the door expecting to see my lanky boyfriend or one of his idiotic friends but instead I was confronted with a tear stained Ruby.

I'd always had a weak heart which made her crying state hard for me to despise her. I gently brought her into the dimly lit bathroom.

Her eyes were glossy and red but still as bright as always. Her hair was cut to just below her shoulders and the tips were a faded green/blue. Her light makeup had become a streaky mess and her loose clothes all crumpled.

"Oh ruby...what have you done?" I passed her a few sheets of toilet paper as a tissue substitute which she took gratefully.

The room was filled with an empty silence, the sort you find in movies or in books. The kind you don't quite believe or understand until you experience it.

No one said a word but the outside noise was breaking the silence.

"I have to go..." for a few moments I had completely forgotten the fact the person in front of me was the person I disliked so much. I nodded in an understanding way. I felt the need to say more but bit the inside of my mouth.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing than to pour your heart out to the one you hate.


"Okay but why is no one talking about how Michael dated a lesbian for a month?" Calum's comment made the rooms sad atmosphere lighten as laughs filled the space. Michael buried his tomato face into a pillow, recognising his mistake.

"I didn't know!"

"Whatever Michael. We knew she was trouble" Michael rolled his eyes repeatedly at us.

"Uhm Luke I actually have something to tell you..."

"Oh no, you're a lesbian too?" Luke seemed genuinely scared of my answer but also joking around.

"No you idiot. It's more of a question...my parents have invited me to a barbecue and they said I should bring someone so-"

"Amy will be there" the blunt answer killed the spark of positivity inside me.

"Well...of course but it will be fine. Please just come Luke."

"You're parents are gonna think I'm a player"

"Lukeeee" I planted multiple kisses all over my boyfriends face and neck.


I felt my face light up and the next minute I found myself crushing Luke.

"I love you!"

Sudden gasps woke me up from my dreamish thoughts.

"Crap-I'm sorry I-"

"I love you.." Luke smirked while resting a hand on my hip. However much his words made my day better It felt wrong. We had only been going out for a few months and it seemed far too early to be saying 'I love you'. It just seems like a promise. A promise that can be easily broken...

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