-Chapter 38-

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A knock at the door grabbed my attention. 

It was dark outside and Becky was in the apartment, in her room, so, who could be outside? I slowly approached the door, sporting my Halloween themed pyjamas and The Grinch slipper-socks. I slowly opened the door, peeking through the side to get a glimpse of who was there. I gasped and flung the door open as Calum stood in front of me with a goofy grin on his lips. Squealing like a child, I threw myself at him and hugged the tall figure in front of me. Then Michael and Ashton appeared from around the corner, panting and taking deep breaths in. 

"Oh my god!" I hugged all of them, feeling an immense amount of love. I didn't even take notice of the absence of my boyfriend. Oops. "When did you guys get here?" I asked with a grin on my face. 

"About an hour ago. We wanted to surprise you." Michael exclaimed as his breathing went back to normal. I didn't want to let go of them, just in case I was dreaming or something. "You okay?" He asked me with a chuckle. I nodded, feeling happy tears sting my eyes. 

"She's crying!" Ashton exclaimed,  running closer to me to wrap his arms around me to stop myself from being exposed. I groaned as soon as all three of them smothered me. I loved them, really. Becky's voice interrupted our group hug and I saw Ash's head pop up like he was struck by lightning. 

"Ashton?" Becky asked with a tight throat. Me, Calum, and Michael stood and watched in awe as Ash took a few steps into the apartment and Becky ran into his arms. It was like something straight out of a rom-com. It was that moment that it hit me; I really missed Luke. I turned to the boys and opened my mouth to ask them where he was and as if by magic, they answered my question before it had left my throat.

"He got delayed on the way home, he'll be here soon," Calum confirmed for me. I nodded and gave him a small smile. I missed them all, to be honest.


Cal was right about Luke being there soon. He was home within 10 minutes and I had never been so happy to see someone's face before. Turns out, the delay was him stopping off to buy me a bouquet of flowers. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him and holding his hand constantly. Every time he left, it felt longer than the last. 

"So, I know I missed your birthday last week." He started as we sat in my bedroom while he unpacked some of his things. 

"Oh, no. Don't worry about it, babe-"

"-I got you some things." He interrupted me, making my heart flutter. He took out a few wrapped packages and placed them on the bed next to me before giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"No! Open that one last!" Luke exclaimed, gently pushing the small box in my hand down. My heart was racing, beating against my chest like a caged animal.  I could swear he was going to propose to me, so, anytime I saw him kneel down or hide something I thought he was going to propose and I panicked. I'm not sure why because I was 100% sure I wanted to marry him. I had spent enough time worrying about that. To calm myself down, I reassured myself it was probably a necklace or something sweet like that and not the ring. I shot him a questioning glance. "Trust me."

I smiled, showing slight dimples on either side of my cheeks. He only got me a couple of gifts which I still thought was way too many, he had already given me so much. Opening the first small package, I was greeted with a mug that read 'Daddy's Princess'. I burst into hard laughter, feeling tears spring to my eyes and I began to struggle with my breathing. He bit his lip where the old lip ring used to sit. Slowly leaning forward, I brushed my thumb of the small black dot with a pout.

"I miss it..." I hummed quietly, not really sure why I decided to bring it up. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out so I had his saliva on my thumb. "Ew! Why would you do that?"

"Are you serious? You've sucked my-"


"What? It's only us two here. Daddy loves to remind you." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, losing any seriousness there was.

"Anyway, thank you for the gift. I love it but please remind me to hide it when my parents visit." Luke rolled his eyes again but nodded. He excitedly passed me the second gift which was another box, slightly bigger than the one he said to leave until last. What if that's the ring? And just like that, the butterflies returned to taunt me. With shaky hands, I went to open the box. A beautiful silver necklace lay loosely in the box's padding. My nerves calmed again and I carefully took it out of the box. "This is beautiful, Luke!" I exclaimed as I inspected the jewellery even closer. It had thin silver planets lining the bottom of the chain, sending shivers to my spine. I loved galaxy and, although I hadn't mentioned it much to Luke, it warmed my heart that he remembered.

"Anytime, Princess. Now open this one!" He quickly shoved the box into my hand and I grinned.

"Wait, let me thank you properly! I'm so grateful and you really didn't have to do this for me-"

"-I know but just open it." His excitement made me, surprise surprise, panic. Maybe it was the ring and that's why he wanted me to open it so badly. The best birthday gift of all. My hands were even shakier than before and Luke noticed this because he took one into his own and smiled softly. "Don't worry, nothing is gonna jump out and hurt you. I promise." I softly laughed at his heroic tone and reassuring words. I nodded and fully opened the box. Inside was a single gold charm in the shape of a Mickey Mouse head.

"What...what is this?" I began to breathe heavily- I had a feeling I knew what it was about. "Luke..." He grinned at me, eyes smiling and all.

"We're going to Disney World, Princess." He said while taking the box from me, gently placing it on the carpeted floor before taking my hands. I felt tears spring to my eyes. "I knew how badly you wanted to visit it, so, here you go."

"You-you're the best ever. I can't-I just-" I blubbered, not having the right words to explain how I felt. He laughed at me, throwing his head back while doing so. "I love you, thank you, thank you, thank you." I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him as tightly as I could. Things felt right. Him and I, just the two of us. No fights, no distractions.

"It's booked for next month" He mumbled into the crease of my neck. My head shot up so I was inches away from his face. My eyes widened.

"Luke! That's so soon." He laughed at me. 

"Calm down, we have a whole month to prepare, okay?" He shot me the calmest, most handsome, smile I've ever witnessed and I almost died on the spot.

"You didn't have to-"

"-But I wanted to." He said with a gentle smile. I sighed happily and nodded. Everything was okay. I was okay. We were okay.

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