-Chapter 9-

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Goodbyes are much harder when you have somewhat of a confusing relationship with the person. Do we hug? Do we wave? Do we just smile? So many unanswered questions.

"Thanks for inviting me, Beck." Luke kissed her cheek which beck seemed to enjoy a little too much.

His eyes landed on me making my heart jump for joy. He had a blue shine in his eyes, a joyful sort. His smirk set the fire inside me alight.

"Thanks for having me princess" As he spoke he lowered his voice and inched closer to me. I gritted my teeth together knowing if I didn't I would kiss him. He enclosed me in a hug pulling me close to his broad chest. I felt his lips come dangerously close to my face as he went to whisper in my ear.
"Daddy's gonna miss you princess" The heat returned to my cheeks and Luke decided to go one step further. His hands slid under my loose top, rubbing his hand on my lower back. "What's my name princess?" He asked lowering his hand even further down.

"How much will daddy miss his princess?" I played along knowing it completely revealed a new side of Luke.

"So fucking much baby girl" With his last sentence his lips dragged over my cheek before he stepped back slightly. I let his finger trail across the hickeys he had made the previous night, gawping at the way they stood out from my pale skin tone. He licked his lips in a seductive fashion before turning his back on me.

"See you round" he smiled before picking up his bags and exiting our apartment.

"What the fuck just went on between you two? Literally yesterday you couldn't speak properly to him."

"Oh, I-I don't think I can tell you" I truthfully spoke wondering over to the Kitchen for water.

"Oh come on I won't tell" a sigh escaped my lips knowing myself too well. I knew I would cave and that's exactly what I did.

"Fine...He came into my room last night to talk to me about Amy and I accidentally called him daddy as a joke but he pinned me against the wall and-"

Becky's eyes widened and she stopped eating the leftover pizza crust and opening her mouth.

"Holy SHIT! And you didn't text me?!"

"Well I'm sorry I was too busy thinking about what happened myself"

"Whatever- what happened next?"

"He told me he had a kink.."

Becky burst into laughter at the mention of the ridiculous word.

"He has a kink? Are you serious?"

"Seriously was I the only one who didn't know what a kink is"

"Did he explain it to you?"

"Uh...yeah," my eyes wandered around the room for a distraction. "He told me I was innocent."

"Oh my actual god. Wait so what are you guys now?"

In my head I knew what I wanted us to be, any fool could see what I wanted. But Luke? Well he wasn't quite as obvious as me...

"Oh we're just good friends"

"Yeah right, no good friends pin each other against the wall."

"-and demand to be called daddy. Oh and kiss your neck." I butted in.

"Wait- is that what those bruises are on your neck? Hickies?!" I started to bite the inside of my mouth beginning to realize how weird the situation was.

"He didn't even kiss me though"

"Of course he didn't. He's marking you"

"Excuse me what? What does that even mean?"

"It means he wants you. Those marks," Becky glanced down at them as she spoke ", it's kind of like a warning to other guys like a dibs"

"Wait so what am I now?"

"His kinky toy" she smirked and turned back to the half-empty pizza box.

I finally gave up with prying answers out of my roommate and sat on the settee in boredom. This is going to be a long day ...

Kink // Luke Hemmings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now