-Chapter 19-

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I lay across Luke's couch lazily while scrolling through random apps on my phone.

"Happy valentines, babe" Luke came up behind the settee and handed me a bouquet of roses. A smile spread across my face.

"Awe thanks baby." I tipped my head back to let him kiss me.

Me and Luke decided that we don't want to do much for Valentine's Day because it's just another day.

"No problem, princess." He squeezed himself next to my legs making me groan a little bit.

"Your favourite humans have arrived!" A sudden voice broke our calm vibe .

"Becky what the fuck are you doing here?" I tried to turn around to see her but I was too lazy to fully turn so I slightly twisted my neck.

"I'm here too!" Ashton chirped up while they both skipped into our view.

"Guys it's Valentine's Day! Please leave" I politely asked my best friend and her boyfriend to leave while Luke simply nodded along.

"Why are you two just sat here? Don't you celebrate valentines?"

"It's just another business day that a couple of guys made up to get a few extra bucks"

Becky rolled her eyes at me and tried to drag me up.

"Come on! Don't be the grinch"

"I don't get that saying, the grinch tried to steal Christmas and in the end he joined in with the who's so it makes no sense."

"Seriously why are you so boring? Luke- don't you have anything to say about this?"

"No. I agree with her, it's just another money grabber."

"You at least bought each other stuff...right?"

"Luke got me a bouquet of flowers and I gave him a guitar pick with his initials in a few days ago." I couldn't be bothered to continue arguing about such a stupid topic so I stood up.

"I'm going out."

"Rude much?" Becky mumbled. Luke stood up quickly.

"I'll come"

"No it's fine Luke. I'm going for a coffee does anyone want anything" everyone shook their heads cueing my exit.

Finally getting outside the air was icy and nipped at my skin. Very few people were out but those who were weren't by themselves. Everyone was hugging and kissing. Getting intimate. I ignored all their confused faces as I shuffled past them while trying to concentrate on getting my well deserved coffee.

I finally got into the café. Luckily there were very few people in line waiting.

"Can I get a cappuccino to go, please?" I smiled sweetly at the women behind the counter. She had slick hair that ran past her shoulders. The light bounced off the streaks of brown in it.

Moments later she gave me my to go cup. My eyes scanned around the small shop until they landed on the things I needed. I awkwardly leaned over a man who was on his phone to grab one of those wooden sticks.

Kink // Luke Hemmings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now