-Chapter 16-

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Luke's grip on the steering wheel tightened as drew closer to my childhood house. He stared blankly at the road in front of him as if it was the only thing he could see.

"Luke?...please say something. You haven't spoken the whole trip here." I tried to comfort my boyfriend in the best way possible, a hard task to do.

"I'm just nervous"

"Luke...babe. It's fine, you've met my parents before"

"When I was dating your sister..."

I wracked my brains to try and create another sentence to reply with but nothing appeared.

We ended up parking on the curb outside of the house, leaving access to the drive way.

We carried our very few bags with us up to the steps where I took Luke's large hand in mine. A smile of comfort sat on my lips in an effort to help him calm down.

The door flung open to reveal my mother and father. Both looked glad and shocked to see us.

"Gabbie!" My Mum immediately engulfed me in a hug. I saw my dad shake Luke's hand from the corner of my eye.

Once my mum finished suffocating me she hugged Luke as well but not for quite as long.

My dad simply kissed my cheek - a small gesture but it showed enough affection for me to understand.

They brought us into our medium size house where we had both been a few of months ago.

"So is Amy here yet?" I smiled at my parents while slipping my hand back into Luke's like before. His presence kept my nerves down, for a bit at least.

"Oh she's almost here apparently."

"Gabbie, Luke...Amy won't like this"

"What? Of Course she won't but I don't care-"

"You can't tell her!" My mother's voice raised to try and make her seem superior. My father and boyfriend stood still in dead silence while the battle commenced.

"So I'm not allowed to be happy now?"

"Of course you are but Amy can't know-"

"Mother! I love Luke and I don't care if Amy hates it. I deserve to be happy for once and not have to sit around watching her have every man she wants drop on his knees for her."

*Luke's POV*

I stood in shock at my bad ass- beautiful - girlfriend's mini speech. She was still attached to me, knowing she needed me there.

I saw water rise in her eyes making me jump over to embrace her in my arms.

She deserves happiness.

"Shh, princess. Daddy's here" I slightly joked with her knowing it would make her smile. She lightly giggled into my chest.

However, as much as I was enjoying our cuddle session I couldn't help but feel her parents' gaze straight on us.

"I-I'm sorry Gab...you just know how your sister is."

"Mum, I'm sure she's moved on from Luke. You know how quickly she gets boyfriends."

What's that saying again? Oh yeah- speak of the devil and he shall appear.

A perfect saying for this situation. The door was opened to reveal and smiling Amy. That expression quickly changed as she saw my close proximity to her sister.

"Why is he here?" Her snarled words reminded me of a hound...

"Amy...Luke's my boyfriend" Gabbie said her words quietly.

"Excuse me?! I FUCKING knew it!"

"-language Amy"

"Shut up dad! I knew you were screwing him-"

"What? You never told me this Gabbie-"

"No dad I haven't been-"

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" I raised my voice as much as I could. The room became silent but the tension made the anger clear. "I was nothing but loyal to you Amy. I can promise that. Me and Gabbie just had a connection that I never had with you. I'm sorry."

"I will get you back"

"Amy please. Don't do this- you'll just be more upset by the end. I'm not coming back to you" I felt enraged at how Amy had ruined my new shot to impress her parents. Her parents lightly tapped my back and pointed to the living room where they showed both me and Gabbie to go to.

We both hung our heads low while we sneaked out the room.

Without warning Gabbie's lips landed on mine as soon as we were out of sight.

"Okay then?"

"I love youuuuu"

"I love youuuu too but what is all this?" Gabbie shrugged and led me over to the settee.

A few minutes later her parents came into the room to announce dinner...


"SO Amy how's studies?"

I had my hand placed on Gab's inner thigh, I had managed to travel from her knee to there. The whole dinner she had squirmed in her seat and tried to swat my hand away and to that I just winked and squeezed her gently.

I knew it wasn't painful for her she was just being turned on and she couldn't do anything about it.

A true struggle.

But no matter how many little games we played with one another the night did not speed up. It was one long Cycle of answering pointless questions and living up to their expectations.

Not a good night...

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