-Chapter 32-

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Luke: I don't know Gabs. She wasn't a nice person to you or me when I was seeing her, how do you know she's changed?

Gabbie: Luke, she's my sister. everything will be fine, k? x
Luke: but does she have to come with you to see our show? x
Gabbie: I'm not going alone babe, whether you like her or not she's coming x

I put my phone face down on the coffee table, already done with our conversation. It had only been a couple of weeks since the boys left but time was moving relatively quickly for me. Becky was still struggling though, she's always been a clingy girlfriend which is why so many guys have dumped her in the past. She locked herself in her bedroom most days, and when she wasn't she would be at work or at a club. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come to the show?" I checked again with Becky for the hundredth time that day. 

"No, I told you. If I see him then I won't be able to leave him." She explained to me again, talking about Ashton. That was the topic of almost every conversation we had any more. To be honest, I began to feel like I was acting more like her mother than a friend. 

"But don't you want to see him?"

"That's a stupid fucking question, Gabbie." She sighed while roughly rubbing her face. 

"There's no need to take your anger and sadness out on me, okay? I just don't want to leave you here on your own if you're only going to complain about me leaving you when I get back." I grumbled and groaned at her which made her even angrier but something switched in her head and her face relaxed.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm annoying. I just miss them, especially Ash." She sighed and looked at the floor with sorrow swirling in her eyes. 

"I understand, I miss them too." I sighed with her, ready to lean in for a hug when my phone began to vibrate on the coffee table. Flipping it over, I expect to see Amy calling to tell me she's almost here but instead I see Luke's face appear, asking me to accept his facetime request. I glanced over to see if Becky cared if I answered it but she was halfway out of the room anyway. Without a second thought, I clicked the green button to accept his call. 

"Are you ignoring me because of what I said?" Luke asked with his eyebrows furrowed. The first thing I noticed was how he wasn't wearing a shirt, making my body heat up. I noticed his hair was longer than when he left, duh. It had started to grow out curly and reached just past his ears. The black lip ring I had grown accustomed to had disappeared, leaving only a tiny black hole where it used to be.

"Babe, I was just talking to Becky about Ash. Not everything is about you." I laughed as I spoke because it had been a few days since we spoke over the phone and I missed his voice. His face eased up and his eyebrows returned to their normal position. He grinned at me and sat further up in what looked like his bed on the tour bus.

The boys had given us a full tour of the bus the first day they went on tour and it made us so proud. We were like proud mothers...which is actually weird because that would mean I'm fucking my son. Stop it, Gabbie. 

"I can't wait to see you!" He squealed like a child on Christmas morning, making my heart melt. I felt like nothing could bring me down from my Hemmings high. "Me and the boys have planned a full two day, VIP experience for you guys- Shut up! I'm talking to Gabbie!" Luke stopped mid-sentence to yell at someone who I guessed to be one of the boys. I raised my eyebrow as the quiet voice continued to talk to Luke. "Ashton wants to know if Becky is coming yet?" I bit down on my lip and shook my head silently, feeling nothing but guilt. Luke looked away from the screen to shake his head at Ash. I heard a sigh and then the slam of a door before Luke looked back at me.

"Is he okay?" I asked a stupid question because would you be if your girlfriend didn't want to see you live? 

"He'll get over it. I'm pretty sure he thinks she isn't coming because she's upset at him, which I've told him a million times isn't true." 

As I opened my mouth to respond to him, a knock at my front door sent my heart racing. I hate answering the door. I always think it's a murderer or something. As I wondered about who it could be I remembered Amy was due to come over today, I didn't think she would already be here though.  With one swift motion, I flung the door open and allowed her to come in while holding onto my virtual boyfriend. 

"Is that...?" Luke began, squinting his eyes at his screen like he was blind when he could clearly see me and Amy. 

"Hi, Luke." She nodded her head at him as some kind of polite gesture which he returned with a wave. 

"Babe, you didn't tell me she was going to be here today." He said through gritted teeth, but keeping a smile on his face to not seem like a prick. 

"Well, to be fair you didn't exactly tell me you were going to call today," I smirked because I knew I got him there. But Luke being Luke continued to 'discuss' the topic.

"You weren't answering my messages! I didn't want to fight with you when we're going to see each other tomorrow." His sweet thinking made my grin somehow grow. I probably looked like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland but I didn't care. He made me happy. His face scrunched up in a huff while I kept the smile on my face.

"I love you." I reminded him. 

"That's nice." Luke began to joke with me, trying to keep a straight face as he did so. 

"You're mean to me." I put on a pout, making him pout with me but still not admitting he loves me too. "It's your cue to tell me you love me..."

"Well, I guess I love you." He shrugged like it was no big deal. I rolled my eyes at him but forgave him. 

"Can you tell me what we're doing tomorrow?" I asked with an excited giggle, feeling Amy sit next to me and Robert on my other side. 

"No! It's a surprise, so hush." He grinned proudly like an idiot. "But it's fun. I can't wait to see you, Princess." 

"I'm gonna get no sleep tonight." I laughed at myself because I'm lame. 

"Oh shit, I'm late for soundcheck. I'll text you soon, bye babe! Love you," He cheesily blew a kiss into the camera lens before ending the call. I loved how he called me babe because it was cheesy and makes me cringe a bit, but really cute. 

"He really loves you." Amy chuckled while shoving some kind of food into her face. I shrugged but knew he did. Since we got back together we were so intimate and romantic. I loved that side of Luke.  "Anyway, what's the plan for tomorrow?" 

"Okay so we have a flight quite early to LA, exciting- I know, then we get off and meet the boys before going to our hotel."

"God, it's gonna be so hectic." She grumbled, throwing her head back with a slight groan.

"Don't you dare cancel on me, Amy." I glared at her but continued to tell her the rest of the plan. "Anyway, we go see their concert that night and then we do whatever with them for the following day."

"Can't wait."

Me neither. I can't wait to see him again.

A/n: HEY, It's New Year's Eve and I'm hoping I got this up on the first of 2018.  My best friend and other friends are having a mini party and I'm stuck at my grandparent's house doing a mother trucking murder mystery. kill. me.

I hope you guys have an amazing new year and continue to read this book ;-). 

Today's chapter is actually quite happy so that's cool. I promise progress between Luke and Gabbie will be made. "Daddy" will become more of a focus. Sadly, I don't know how much of this book I have left but I'll update you when I know how much I have left.

For now, have a good 2018 my loves! xx

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