-Chapter 12-

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"Come on baby girl, let's go and confront our idiotic friends" Luke slid his arm around my back to guide me out the door.

We opened the door to be greeted with 4 astonished faces.

"YAY!" Becky shouted and ran over to me. "You finally have a boyfriend!"

"Oh my god were you listening the whole time?"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"I mean it was hard not to when we heard you two getting it on" Michael had a playful smile etched on his lips.

"Actually I just ate her ou-" My eyes widened and I hit Luke's stomach to stop him exposing us.

"We didn't need to know that buddy" Calum patted his back.

"Can you excuse me please?" I spoke through gritted teeth, pushing past the boys and my best friend to get to the bathroom.

As I shut the door behind me I immediately locked it. I took a quick glance at my appearance in the mirror that hung on the tiled wall.

My hair was slightly static and tangled but on the whole still acceptable. My skin looked pale and I looked like a H had just seen a ghost.

The door handle began to shake furiously. "Princess? You okay?" Luke.

"Y-Yeah just a little overwhelming" I stuttered my words slightly as I spoke letting my anxiety get the best of me.

They're your friends why are you freaking out?

-maybe because they just heard you scream out daddy multiple times?

I withdrew a shaky breath and walked over to the door hesitantly. Unlocking the door I was attacked in a hug.

"You okay princess?" Luke's concern made me laugh a little into his chest.

"Yeah, I'm fine baby" I winked at my boyfriend and left his arms while letting the newly found confidence settle into my system.


"Becky we really need to go home"

Becky was currently cuddled up with Ashton who she had denied she had any feelings for. Michael was passed out on the floor and Calum left an hour ago because he went to meet up with his other mate. Luke was sat on his phone in the same place he had been since Calum left.

"I don't wanna leave" beck mumbled into Ashton's side. Ashton gave her a small kiss on the head which made me weak heart Melt in awe.

"You've gotta leave one day baby" I sighed trying to drag her off the settee.

"Hey I thought that was my name" Luke piped up giving me a puppy dog face.

"It is Baby but I have to get her - up" I spoke between pulls which did nothing.

"Why do you hate me?" Luke looked even sadder than before. I gave up with getting Becky up and decided to sit next to my boyfriend.

"Oh yeah I hate you soooo much" I grinned, exaggerating my words. "I fucking hate you, Luke."

"I fucking love you, Gabbie." Luke grinned but quickly realised what he had said and covered his mouth. "I mean you know..." I opened my mouth to repeat what he said but the noise of Becky fake vomiting interrupted me.

"No you get a room with Luke so you can frickle frackle" Ashton giggled at Becky's childish joke.

"Darling we don't need one to frickle frackle" Luke smirked at me and began to kiss down my neck. I squeezed his thigh to indicate him to stop, of course he ignored me request and carried on.

"Ew gross guys- stop. Luke has a boner and it's making me uncomfortable" Becky groaned and Ashton covered her eyes to shield her.

"Stop it Luke"

"Not till you say my name" he mumbled while placing sloppy kisses down my jaw and neck hungrily.

"But I just did-"

"He means daddy you idiot" Michael croaked who had clearly woken up a few minutes prior.

"There's no way In hell i'm calling you that in front of our friends" i denied.

"Then-I'll keep - kissing - you" Luke's words came out hushed as he spoke between the wet kisses.

"No Luke- It tickles!" I found my self giggling as he carried on kissing me.

"What's my name?"


"Say it"

"Daddy- there you go? Happy now?"

"No" Instead of our promise he carried on kissing. "Moan it"

"Oh hell NO! Our friends are literally right there" I pointed to them and I felt him shrug against me. "Are You serious?"


"F-fine...I'm sorry guys" everyone was now looking at me waiting for the moan. "Oh god" I took in a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut. "Oh daddy" I moaned receiving claps from around the room.

"That was beautiful baby, maybe I should have a private viewing next time" Luke winked at me again, a habit of his.

For the next few minutes we all sat in silence just staring into thin air. The room was pitch black apart from the light that was provided by the muted TV.

"Beck, if we don't go now we won't get home" I complained to her but she was having none of it.

"Ash do you mind if we stay another night?" She asked so casually to the boy who was sat directly next to her.

"Nope" I rolled my eyes and looked at Luke.

"Are you going home baby?" I whispered at Luke.

"Depends, are you gonna be here?"

"Well it sounds like I am"

"Then yeah, I'll be here."

"HEY! You two love birds can have the guest bedroom since you practically made love in that bed.."

"How many times must i tell you- we didn't have sex!"

"Well you still did sexual activities in that bed so merry Christmas"

I found myself wrapped in Luke's arms in the following hours that led to the early hours of the morning. We all sat in the living room and just talked about anything we could possibly think of. From Humorous things to deep subjects we spoke about it all.

It was that moment of time when I wanted it to pause. To let me savor it just a little more. We weren't worried about anything, we weren't upset. It was easy. More importantly it was fun. There was no where I would rather be...

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