-Chapter 13-

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"I can't believe it's the first of January and we're spending it cleaning up Michael's puke" I gagged at the sight of Michael's alcoholic smelling sick.

"Sorry I asked you to do this babe" Luke turned the tap to the right letting the Luke-warm water drag some of the vomit down the drain.

"I shouldn't have said yes- I feel like I'm gonna puke-"

"Baby girl, you can stop. It's okay" I shook my head and carefully scrubbed the chunks of whatever the fuck Mikey had eaten off the bottom of the bath tub.

"Remind me not to have a bath here for a few months?" I tilted my head at Luke who had a double chin trying to do the same as me.

After a lot of scrubbing and gagging noises we finished cleaning the tub making sure to thoroughly wash  our hands  after.

As we finally left the rotten smelling bathroom we entered a room of hungover friends. Luke was hungover too though which made him stumble over to the couch where Becky was and kick her till she moved along.

"Oh come on guys- It can't be that bad" I stood against Luke's kitchen counter that connected to the living room with a cool glass of water.

"You wouldn't understand you've never had a hangover" Becky grumbled into the settee's arm. Luke's head shot up.

"I'm sorry did I just hear that right? You've never been hungover? How do you even-"

"She never drinks. I think she drank more as a kid than she ever has grown up" Becky interrupted Luke. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and my breathing speed increased dramatically.

"Oh baby, see. I told you- you're  innocent." A playful smirk happily on Luke's lips.

"Can you not bug me about being innocent for just one day please?" I found myself becoming upset quicker than usual. I crossed my arms over my chest in a tantrum.

"But you're so innocent-"


"Uh- ok?" everyone's eyes were shut due to the pounding sensation in their head.

"Hey- Becky can you come over here so we can take a hungover selfie?" Becky groaned into the couch but fulfilled Ash's request. He slapped Michael's ass making him shriek and roll of the settee. Becky sat next to ash who already had his camera on him self. She kissed his cheek as he snapped a photo and proceeded to upload it to all social medias.

A frown rested on my face as I read the caption...

Happy new year! So glad to be spending it with all the guys + Gabbie and this gorgeous girl. There's been tons of achievements this year but meeting Becky was a big highlight..I LOVE YOU ALL! Xxx - Ash



"HELLO?" I shouted into my boyfriend's ear like a child on Christmas morning.

"What?!" Satisfied with a slight response I shoved my phone into Luke's face.

"Why aren't you romantic like Ashton?" I sighed, leaning my head lazily on his shoulder.

"What are you on about? I am very romantic."


"Well I call you princess"

"That isn't romantic you idiot...can't we be a cute couple like them?"

Becky looked over to us-

"We can hear you for starters and you do realise me and ash aren't a couple..."

I rolled my eyes but somewhat ignored her.

"We are cute!"

"You two shut up already- my head is being squeezed by the Hulk over here" Michael of course over reacted as always..

However, Michael's statement did shut us all up. Making the room become somewhat dull and uninteresting.

At this point in time Luke has his arm loosely around my waist so we were joint at the hip. His head was resting on the back of the settee which showed off his long neck to the whole room. He had both eyes tightly shut like he had glued them together.

This is going to be a great day...*insert sigh here*...

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