- Chapter 24 -

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A/n: I'm going to start doing dedications on chapters to people who vote and comment :-) 

It had been a week since Luke and the boys went on tour. Their album came out and people immediately fell in love with it. They did tons of interviews the first two weeks then as soon as they left they were all over social media. 

I began to get used to living without Luke. I didn't need him to wake me up, I had an alarm for that. I could go out whenever I wanted with whoever I wanted and Luke wouldn't get mad. But nothing felt like it was worth the effort. He didn't call me or text me. I would sometimes get a message from the boys about the tour but not Luke. I thought I couldn't live without Luke but I was still breathing. 

I sat with my head in my hands as I waited for a call from Michael. Becky and I arranged a video chat with the boys which had made my nerves on edge. 

"I don't know if this a good idea, Beck. I mean, what if you fall for Ash again? Then what?"

"I think you're making excuses. I think you just don't want to see Luke again because you know you still love him and you don't want to go through long distance." She crossed her arms and stared at me like a mother does. 

"Surely you feel the same about Ashton though," I mumbled, bringing my head up and out of my hands. 

"Of course I am but I've had longer to sort my head out than you. My priority is helping you right now." I smiled at Becky when suddenly the laptop in front of us made an annoying ringing sound. "Ready?" She asked me, her finger hovering over the trackpad to answer the call. I nodded and looked at the screen.

After a slight delay of the audio, my eyes quickly scanned for Luke out of habit. He was hidden behind Ashton with Michael to his right and Cal to his left while Ash sat in front. I could feel my heart in my throat. Luke had his head down while he looked at his phone.

"Hey!" Ashton and Calum exclaimed as we popped onto their screen. I smiled at the voices I had grown to love. 

"Michael stop playing Fifa!" Ashton scolded Mikey which made his cheeks burn red. He put down the controller and smiled at the screen.

"What's up babes?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows. Beck and I burst into laughter at his stupidity. "Luke, come on." He mumbled just loud enough for us to hear. 

"What?" He snapped back at him, his head finally lifting up. He had a grey beanie slumped on his head and his lip suddenly acquired a new addition. 

"It's Becky and Gabbie." Luke looked at the screen and his eyes softened when he saw me. He quickly turned back to Michael and shrugged before looking back down at his phone. I already felt tears spring to my eyes but I managed to blink them back so I didn't have to run off like a drama queen.

"Anyway, how's tour?" Becky asked to quickly change the subject. 

"It's amazing. Just the other night we actually had the crowd singing our song!" Calum exclaimed while leaning forward to get closer to the laptop they were on. 

"That's amazing!" I smiled at him and the other boys to make them happy. 

"Luke started crying." Ashton joked, elbowing Luke's leg. 

"I didn't." He mumbled.

"I bet he did." Becky joined in.

"Fuck off..." He sent daggers into everyone's eyes making them shut up. 

"Just leave if you don't want to be here, Luke," I said quietly. When he heard my voice he looked at me with no expression.

"I have to go pick up Linda." He said to the boys which immediately made my heart fall. 

"No, you don't," Calum said through gritted teeth. 

"Yes, I do. We're going on a date in 15 minutes." He showed him the time on the screen of his iPhone. Michael coughed and pointed to the screen which Luke completely ignored.

"Just let him go, guys," I said while wiping under my eyes. Ashton blew me a kiss which made me smile sadly. 

"I'll talk to you later, Gabbie." He bargained with me.

"No, you won't," I replied.

"I promise."

"You haven't sent me one text since our break up." 

"You told me not to talk to you,"

"I didn't! I made you go on tour because that's your dream and I broke up with you because I love you and I don't want to make you unhappy." I had tears falling dramatically down my face as I cried while Becky gave me a side hug. "I never said not to talk to me."

"Well...I'm sorry." 

"You can go on your date now." 

"I-uh...I'm gonna ask her to take a raincheck..." He said to me while everyone sat in silence, sympathising with us.

"It's fine, Luke. Just...go."

"I'm staying here. She can wait."

The rest of the call was just awkward for the both of us. Everyone else spoke about the tour and how things were here. We just kept quiet unless someone directly asked us a question. Eventually, we all got to a point where we had to end the call before we fell asleep or died of boredom (me and Luke). We waved goodbye and I blew a kiss at the boys which Michael caught.

"I love you guys, bye." I dragged out my bye as they responded with more 'I love you's and byes. Luke did join in but he was drowned out by the others so I couldn't hear what he was saying which put a frown on my face.

"I'm tired, I'm gonna sleep," I told Becky before running to my bedroom. As soon as I sat down on my bed my phone lit up. 

Luke: Hi

My heart began to race as my thumbs hovered over the keyboard, unsure of what to reply with. 

Gabbie: Oh hey

Luke: Well that call was awkward aha

My breath began to return to it's normal pace. I already knew that we would never be able to go back to normal. It was always going to be awkward. He never wrote "aha". Never. 

Gabbie: Yeahhh lol

I cringed at the way we spoke like we were distant friends that barely knew each other when in reality we knew each other inside out.

Gabbie: Anyway, how is tour? I wasn't really listening before lmao

Luke: Weird. It's tough to rehearse every day and do a million interviews a week but the performances. You wouldn't believe how crazy the fans get.

Luke: But i miss you.

Gabbie: i miss you too

Luke: i need to go. the boys are dragging me to a bar to pick up girls.

Gabbie: oh...ok

Luke: i didn't mean to sound so blunt

Gabbie: just go

I plugged my phone into the charger hesitantly, wishing Luke would decide not to go and talk to me all night. I fell into an uncomfortable sleep thinking about Luke and regretting. Always regretting...

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