Chapter 3

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Stella's POV 

I was currently laying on the bed petting Gunner next to me. What gives him to slap me in the face right Gunner I said to myself. I swear he's on his man period or something because I should be the one who's pissed off.  I am so mad at him kidnapping me dragging me all the way from Arizona to Australia he's such a bitch I thought to myself. My thoughts of Calum being a bitch was interrupted by someone coming in.  I looked up to see it was Calum

"Oh look who it is the bitch it's self."I said 

"Hey don't be like that."calum said 

"I have to be like that."I said

"Look I'm sorry for slapping you I was just mad."Calum said

"Calum this isn't some book or movie were you just forget about this kind of stuff or when a guy kidnaps a girl and drags her to the other side of the country."I said

"Look Stella."Calum said but I cut him off

"Just shut up I'm done with you.I said getting out of the room

I went out of the bedroom and into the living room and sat down next to Michael.

"Hey you okay."Michael said

"What do you think."I said

"I'm guessing that's a no."Michael said

"You got that right."I said laying down on his lap

"Well hey we land soon and the girl's are excited to have you back."Michael siad

"Really the girl's are there."I said 

"Yep."Michael said popping the p

"Are you and Rena still together."I asked

"Yeah."Michael said

"That's good."I said 

"Oh yeah the girl's packed you clothes so you wouldn't have to wear your PJ's."Michael said handing me the bag.

"Thanks."I said grabbing the bag and heading to the bathroom 

I looked through the bag and found black sweatpants, a white tank top, a gray sweater, and white vans. I put on the outfit and tough t  it was pretty cute and very comfy. Once I was changed I headed back to the living room to find Luke, Calum, and Ashton on the couch while Gunner was laying beside them and Michael on a bean bag. I went over to the beanbag chair and sat down.

"Come here Gunner."I said Gunner listened and ran straight over

"Traitor Gunner."Calum said

"He just doesn't like fake bitches."I said 

"You know what that means right."Calum said

"Yeah a bitch is a female dog and that's what Calum is a fake bitch."I said 

"Whatever."Calum said

"Alright guy's welcome home."Luke said as the plane landed 

A/N Sorry I haven't been updating busy with school  and some people are talking shit about me which is bringing me down but I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 

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