Chapter 18

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Stella POV

"Come on guys mom just texted the guys are here dinner time."My dad said 

"Alright."I said removing me boxing gloves and mouth piece. 

"Damn Dylan your sister sure did a number on you."My dad said checking out Dylan's bruise

"Just because I didn't tell her was married."Dylan groaned holding his cheek

"suck it up wuss."I said

"Shut up squirt."Dylan said

"Oh squirt okay okay." I said walking up to Dylan read to punch him again.

As I was about to punch Dylan a person pulled me by my waist so I couldn't hit him. "Let go of me I want to punch him."I said

"No babe we have to go upstairs and eat."Calum said

"Ugh."I groaned 

"Yeah Stella come on Calum's gang is here so we better hurry up."Dad said

"Alright fine."I groaned

"Come let's go."Calum said grabbing my hand

Dylan, my dad,Calum, and I all headed back up stairs to see the gang. I was excited to see them and to meet Dylan's wife. As we reached the top of the stairs you could smell a lovely scent of pasta my favorite I thought. We all headed to the dining room were I found so many friendly faces I saw Ashton,Michael, Luke, Kayla, Rena,Bryana, and Alex. I went over to the guys first and gave them a kiss on the cheek while Calum gave them a bro hug. Next I went over to the girls and gave them hugs but I gave Kayla a bear hug while Calum gave them a kiss on the cheek. I went over to Alex and gave her hug.

"Nice to finally meet you."I said 

"Nice to meet you to sister in law."Alex laughed 

"Yeah."I chuckled

"Hey babe."Dylan said hugging her

"Oh my God what happened to your face."Alex said cupping Dylan's face looking at his bruises which I caused.

"Well my little sister here did this to me because I didn't tell her you were pregnant and I had a wife."Dylan said

"O my god."Alex said slapping Dylan's shoulder 

"What was that for."Dylan said

"I would be pissed to if my brother didn't tell me."Alex said

"I like her."I said high-fiving  her

"You've known her for like 2 mintues and you've been my wife against me."Dylan said

"Well that's what you get."I laughed

"Kid's take a seat I have not been slaving away in the kitchen to you two fighting like 4 year old."Mom said

"Fine."Both Dylan and I muttered under our breaths.

I took my seat next to Calum we were near seated near my dad who was at the head of the table. 

"Shall we pray."My dad said 

We all grabbed each other's hands and waited for my dad to say prayer.

"Dear Lord, Thank you for bringing my family together and having some new additions. I ask for you to bless this meal and have all of us be safe as this gang war come closer and closer.  As long as were all together nothing can hurt us. So please God lastly keep this Ohana(family) safe and protected." My dad said 

"Amen."My dad said

"Amen."We all said 

Once the prayer was done we all started to eat this lovely food and just have a good time talking laughing,enjoying our time together before the war begins.


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