Chapter 30

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Calum's POV 

My gang and Sean's are ll gathered at the house thinking about a plan.

"Do we know where she is?"Ashton said

"Yep she's at my warehouse."Sean said

"Why would Alex put her there?"I asked

"Because that's when Stella's life got messed up and that's where she want's it to end."Dylan said 

"Sean since you know the warehouse front and back what should we do?"I asked

"They will probably have people every corner and are probably keeping Stella in my office."Sean said

"So I suppose 4 guys go through the back entrance, 5 people in the front, Calum you go on the roof there is a air vent that leads to my office, and the rest of us charger inside."Sean said

"I want so say this now if you feel like you don't want to be here then leave."We might die tonight but we will be dying for family. "Stella is the love of my life and she is family to us."Imagine your loved being kidnapped."So I say tonight we are taking back my family or we die a trying."I said

"Yeah."The gang yelled

"Alright guns locked and loaded."I yelled

The guys held up their guns in agreement.

"Alright let's get Stella."I said heading out the door

The guys got into 2 SUV's and a couple of us got onto our motorcycles.I looked down at my wallet to see a picture of Stella.

"I'm coming Stella I promise."I said and starting riding.

(At the warehouse)

The guys and I parked 4 blocks away from the warehouse so nobody would notice.The guys got their guns and knifes ready. The first four guys went through the back and the rest went to through the front while I headed to the roof.I climbed the ladder to get to the roof. Once I reach the roof I opened the top of the air vent and started to crawl through. As I was crawling I could see a bright light. I followed the bright light and saw the end,I saw Stella tied up with bruises all over. How could they do this to her to thought to myself. I looked around the room and just saw Alex their. Dammit I thought to myself 

"Alex their here."John said

"Let the fun begin."Alex said getting a gun out

"Watch the bitch."Alex said going out of the room

"Watch the girl."John mocks 

"Ugh."John said watching the door

"show time."I whispered

I kicked down the vent cover and jumped down. John turned around and panic  was on his face. He tried to grab his gun but I grabbed mine faster and shot him straight in the head."Sleep tight John."I said

I ran over to Stella to untie her.I first untied her hands,then ankles.

"Stella."I said shaking her

"Calum."She whispered

"It's me."I said 

"Calum."She said hugging me crying 

"I'm here."I said hugging her back 

"Are we going home."She said

"Yeah but we have to fight."I said

"What do you mean fight."She asked

All of a sudden we heard gun shots firing.

"Calum what's going on?"She asked

"It's war out their and I need you to be safe."I said handing her a gun

"Stella you stay here and lock the door okay don't you dare let anyone in."I said

"Calum don't get in there please."Stella said with pity eyes

"I am promise I'm coming back but I need to help protect the rest of my family out there."I said kissing her lips

"I love you."I said leaving

"I love you too."She whispered

"Let's play assholes."I said shooting a guy in a head

"Yeah let's play."Alex smirked.

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