Chapter 14

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Stella's POV 

"Of course I want to help you dad but how."I asked

"You will be going through training."My dad said

"My gang will help to."Calum said

"Thanks guys your the best."My dad said

"So training will start tomorrow at 5:00 am."My dad said

"5: 00 am what the hell."I said

"Haha have fun with that Stella."Calum said

"No Calum your training to."My dad said

"I know how to fight Sean."Calum said

"Alright come at me."My dad said

"I can't do that."Calum said

"Just do it if you think you can."My dad said

"Okay I trained to worn."Calum said going up to him and trying to fight

Calum tried to punch my dad but my dad grabbed his fist and threw Calum on the ground. 

"Ow."Calum said

"As I said training tomorrow don't be late."My dad said

"Where."I asked in the basement."My dad said

"Nut theres nothing in the basement."I said

"We have our secrets.'My dad said going up to his room

"Alright then good luck kids."Dylan said kissing my forehead 

"Can you help me up."Calum said groaning in pain

"Yeah sure."I said helping him up

"Tomorrows gonna be fun."I said

"Yeah totally ."Calum said

A/N sorry I haven't been updating I've been super busy with school. But I love you guys and will try to be updating. Love you guys so much.

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