Chapter 21

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Calum's POV 

Currently Sean,Dylan,and I were all in the car going to a secret location.I know I should have told Stella but I know she would refuse if I told her. I just hope she doesn't punch my eye cause it just got done healing.

"Calum you're doing the right thing you know."Sean said

"Really how I just lied to Stella."I said

"Your lying to her to keep her safe."Sean said

"Really hows that working out for you now."I said

"Calum lay off."Dylan said

"no no he's right Dylan."Sean said

"How so?"I asked

"Yes I've lied to my daughter but that was to keep her safe,I lied to her that I was in a gang,I lied to her that her brother was died, and I lied that her mother and I were divorced but do you know why?"Sean asked

"No."I said

"I lied to her because it was to keep her safe ;the day I see her get hurt is the day I know I have failed myself as a father. Lying to her hurts me it truly does but it will hurt me more if I see her dead by a rival gang.I will never let my daughter get her by a gang, a boy, or feelings."Sean said

"I get what you mean now."I sighed

"Calum you'll know when your a dad which maybe soon."Sean said

"What are you talking about."I asked

"Calum I am maybe in my 40's but I could hear you smashing my daughter."Sean said

"You are so dead dude."Dylan laughed

"Dylan you shouldn't be laughing you got Alex pregnant when she's only 20."Sean said

Dylan mumbled something in the back

"Calum I should beat the shit out of you right now but I can't because your helping me this."Sean said

"I can still beat him up."Dylan said

"Really."I said

"Hey Stella is still my baby sister so."Dylan said

"Dylan if you beat up Calum I'm sure Stella will beat the shit out of you."Sean said

"Good point."Dylan said

"How much longer till we get there."I said

"Not to long about maybe 15 minutes."Sean said

"Are you sure were doing the right thing here?"I asked

"It may not seem right now but it is for now."Sean said

"She's gonna be pissed when she finds out."I said

"I know but its for her safety."Sean said 

"I hope were doing the right thing here."I said

"Yeah me to."Sean said

"Guys where here."Dylan said

"Let's get this show on the road."Sean said getting out of the car

"Let's do it."I said

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