Chapter 16

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Calum's POV

"Come on Calum in the ring."Dylan said 

"Alright."I said 

"I'm not going to go easy on you."Dylan said

"I think I can take it."I said going inside the ring

"Alright let's begin."Dylan said getting into fighting position 

I put my fists infront of my face while I was circling Dylan. I went in for a punch at Dylan's face but he dodged it and hit me in the gut."Fuck."I groaned in pain I pulled myself back up and continued to fight I tried to punch him the gut be he dodged it again and hit me in the eye. I kept getting back up when I fell down but Dylan kept hitting me and I didn't get one punch in.

"Let's take a water break."Dylan said

"Yeah."I said getting my water bottle

"How's that eye Calum."Dylan asked

"Bruised."I said

"You better get your head in the game Calum."Dylan said

"I'm trying."I yelled 

"No you're not Calum you are thinking about something else and if you were focused you would beat the shit out of me like I just did to you."Dylan yelled

Dylan was right I wasn't focused I was nervous about this war. I was scared that I won't be able to protect Stella. I am scared my gang could get killed are worse. I just don't want to lose anyone I sent of my sister and mom to be safe and my dad died trying to protect us I don't want that to happen to Stella's dad. I don't want anyone to get hurt I feel like it's my job to protect everyone. 

"Calum you alright."Dylan asked

"Yeah just thinking."I said

"I feel you man."Dylan said

"Where you ever I don't know."I said

"Nervous, scared, worried."Dylan said

"Yeah."I said

"Yeah I was;I was scared I would never see my baby sister again or family; I was scared wasn't ready to join my father's gang but I had one thing that kept me alive."Dylan said

"What was that."I asked

"My wife Alex she's holding my first child right now that's what keeps me motivated it keeps me alive."Dylan said

"How do you not stress about losing them."I asked

"I do stress about losing both my wife and unborn child but you would risk any stakes to keep them alive."Dylan said 

"Alright."I said

"You just need to think about Stella when your fighting, if you wanna see her again you need to stay alive."Dylan said

"Your right."I said

"I know I am, now come on you have to train with my dad now."Dylan said

I nodded in response and walked over to Sean who was currently training Stella. She looked so bad ass shooting her gun and not giving a fuck in the world. She just seemed so confident in what she was fighting for. Sean looked over to me and chuckled 

"Dyaln sure did a number on you huh."Sean chuckled

"Yup."I said

"Oh my God what happened."Stella said running up to checking my bruised eye

"It's nothing."I said

"Nothing you have a bruised eye and you say it's nothing."Stella said

"Stella relax I missed Dylan's punches."I said kissing her cheek

"I'm going to give him a bloody nose."Stella said

"I'm sure his wife won't be happy about that."I said

"He has a wife?"Stella said shocked

"Yeah."I said


"Oops."I said

"Don't worry about it Calum."Sean said

"Well Dylan's dad."I said

"Yep he'll probably have a black and a bloody nose after Stella's finished with him."Sean said

"He's dead."I said

"Yep."Sean said

A/N HI FAM. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH. HAPPY NEW YEAR I HOPE 2017 IS BETTER FOR ALL OF US.IF YOU WANT ME TO POST MORE YOU SHOULD TWEET ME @obviouslymegann or comment on my photos on Instagram which IS    _megan_808_ for faster updates. 


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