Chapter 17

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Stella's POV 

I entered the boxing rind so I can beat the crap out of Dylan for not telling me anything.I saw him sitting at the corner of hte ring drinking water. I went over to that side of the ring punchedc hi hte face causing him to spit out his water.

"What the hell Stella."Dylan said holding his cheek 

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you had a wife and child coming."I said crossing my arms over my chest. 

"You didn't ask?"Dylan said 

"OH ha ha very funny."I said annoyed.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't okay."Dylan said annoyed 

"How did you two meet."I asked

"Well it was Tuesday night n September 5, I was making my way to do a drug deal with a new client his name was Xavier he couldn't put up his money for his drugs so he traded Alex for it. I didn't accept at first until I saw her. She was beautiful she has red hair, green eyes, a beautiful smile. I knew in my hear I found my girl that I wanted to have forever. So to make sure Xavier would never come near her again I killed him and his gang.

"SO what happened after that?"I asked 

"well I returned Alex to her family."Dylan said

"So how did you guys form a relationship."I asked

"Well I kept a close I on her."Dylan smiled

"So you stalker her."I said

"Not stalked protected her so she would be safe, a couple recuse here and there we went out got married and are having a baby."Dylan said 

"Wow what a lame ass story."I laughed

"Shut up."Dylan said

"Well it kind of is."I said

"Whatever you'll be meeting her tonight."Dylan said

"Cool."I said

"Also Calum's gang is coming tonight."Dylan said

"I din't know Calum told them yet."I said

"He didn't dad did."Dylan said 

"Oh double wow."I said

"I know right."Dylan said

"You ready to get your ass kicked."Dylan said 

"In your Dreams."I said putting on my boxing gloves and mouth piece

"Let's do this."Dylan said 

a/N sorry I haven't updated in a week I've been so busy with school and stuff.I promise I will try to update every week at least one chapter if you want me to update faster follow my Instagram- _megan_808 and twitter - obviouslymegann . LETS GET TO 20 VOTES FOR A NEW UPDATE. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 

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