The End

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Hospital room 

Right now Stella and Calum where in the hospital ready for Stella to give birth to two twins

"Stella everything is going to be okay."Calum said holding her hand 

"Shut the fuck up Calum."Stella screamed 

"Push."The doctor said

"Arghh."Stella yelled 

"Push."The doctor said 

"Agh."Stella screamed 

"One baby out one more to go baby."Calum said

"Push."The doctor said 

"Agh."Stella screamed

"Congrats Stella you have given with to one boy and one girl. "The doctor said 

"Can I see them?"Stella asked

"Of course."The doctor said handing over the babies to Stella 

"Hi my little munchkins."Stella said 

"They are so beautiful."Stella said crying 

"You did good love you did good."Calum said kissing her forehead 

"Well well well can I see my beautiful grandchildren now."Sean said coming in with a wheelchair 

"Dad."Stella said

"Hi pumpkin."Sean said rolling over to Stella to give her a hug

"What's the name of the kids."Stella's mom said

"My baby boy Dylan and my baby girl Mali."Stella said smiling at Calum 

"Welcome to the world Mali ands Dylan 

A/N This has truly been an emotional journey writing this second book. I hope all of my readers have loved the journey and nows this book is done. But the journey is not over I will be writing a third book.You guys can't get rid of me that easily. I love you guys so much thank you for reading,voting, and commenting it means so much to me.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NEVER STOP READING 

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