Chapter 28

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Calum's   POV

Currently Sean and  I were sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer. 

"So that went well."Sean laughed

"Yeah it totally  did."I said     

"I should probably talk to her."Sean said chugging his beer down

"Guys fuck fuck fuck."Dylan came in panicking 

"What is it Dylan.Sean said

"It's Alex and Stella."Dylan said

"are they alright?"Sean asked

"No look."Dylan said giving us his phone

I took the phone from Dylan to see a text message from Alex it was video

*The Video*

Alex POV with Stella 

"Hello Dylan."Alex said 

I know you're probably wondering oh Alex why are you sending me this video?Well Dylan you ruined my love life when you killed my boyfriend.

Since you killed the love of my life Idecided to fake being in love with you for 3 years and we don't have a baby it was a lie cunt."Alex laughed  

:And since you killed the love of my life I'm going to kill you sister.Alex said showing Stella tied up with a bruised cheek and cut by her eyebrow. "But I love games dear I will give you 24 hours to find your dear sister. or I'm going to kill her"Alex said cutting Stella's cheek.See you soon lover boy.

(back to present after video)

Calum dropped Dylan's phone to the ground and grabbed Dylan by the collar.

"How could you be so stupid."Calum yelled in Dylan's face

"You think I knew about this I was in love with her."Dylan screamed back

"Well by being in love with a bitch you are going to get your sister killed the love of my life."I screamed back

"You don't think I want Stella safe she is my sister."Dylan said punching Calum in the eye 

"Oh you asked for this."Calum said punching Dylan in the gut

"Stop this."Sean said pulling us back 

"Boys fighting is not going to sage Stella got it."Sean yelled

"Here's what we are going to do."Sean said

"We are going to call my gang and your gang Calum."Sean said

"and what?"I asked

"We are going to fight to safe my angel"Sean said and we all nodded

A/N sorry I've been MIA my stupid history teacher keeps assigning so many project at the same time.I love you guys don't forget to comment and vote love you.

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