Chapter 22

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Stella's POV

"Alright Stella you ready."Alex said

"Um I guess."I said

"Don't be worried Stella we'll be fine."Alex said

"I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you."I said

"Don't worry about I'm not shooting you are."Alex said handing me the bows and arrows

"Are you serious?"I asked

"Yeah Dylan told me that you guys would always shoot arrows when your were younger."Alex said

"Hopefully I haven't lost my touch."I said picking up the arrows

I took one of the arrows putting it inside the bow.I place my bow straight in front of target. I take a deep breath in and out.I release the bow and boom it landed straight in the middle.

"You still got it Stella."Alex said

"I still do."I laughed 

I continue to shoot my arrows at the targets getting it right in the center each time.Doing this reminded me of the old days of Dylan and I.


Dylan and I were in our backyard back in Hawaii. The backyard was open you can see the bare land here that's what I loved about it.I was around 10 when my dad taught me how to shoot arrows while my brother was 12

"Kids how about we shoot some arrows today."My dad asked

"Yeah Yeah yeah."I said

"That seems kind of lame."Dylan said 

"How about I teach you how to throw knives."My dad asked

"Hell yeah."Dylan said

"Language Dylan."My dad said

"yes sir."Dylan pouted 

"Dylan tell your mother to grab the throwing knives Stella your with me for now."My dad said

"Okay."I said

My dad grabbed the bow and arrows and handed it to me. My dad place the bow straight enough for me to load the arrow in.He showed me how to release the arrow to hit target.I was really nervous as a 10 year old because I was scared to do it wrong.

"Alright Stella pull back the arrow and release on three."My dad said


I released the arrow and it the middle of the target.I was so happy with myself I hit my first target. That should have been the first sign I noticed about my dad training me and brother.

"Great job Stella."my dad said as he hugged me

"Thanks dad."I said 

"Daddy Daddy I got the throwing knives."Dylan said

"Alright let's go to the targets Stella stay here and practice."My dad said and left


I was so stupid for not realizing that my dad was teaching Dylan and I gang related thing I'm dumb.After teaching me how to that,he later took Dylan and I to the shooting range everyday after school, judo, and self defense class.Why didn't I realize it sooner I'm an idiot I swear. I dropped my bow and arrow and sit down on the grass just thinking about the past .

Usually on Mondays my dad would leave for business and come back on Thursday and Friday.All those business trips he would be selling drugs or killing people.That's my dad,that's my new life now.I just feel so mad at him and myself for not noticing sooner. But he is my dad that I will always love and plus I'm in love with a gang leader.

"FUCK LIFE."I yelled throwing my body into the grass

"You okay."Stella

"Would I get away with saying that I'm fine."I said

"Not a chance how about we go inside and have some tea and cake?"Alex said

"yeah I guess."Said getting up 

As I was getting up I found myself just feeling ill almost like I wanted to throw up.I ran past Alex and into the house. I ran straight to the bathroom and puked my guts up. I heard footsteps running inside the bathroom.

"Stella are you okay?"Alex asked

"I have no idea."I said

"Here's some water."Alex said handing me a glass

"Thanks."I said chugging it

"How about we get you to bed?"Alex said

"Yeah that seems best."I said suddenly feeling tired

"Yeah let's go."Alex said

"Aright."I said

A/N what days would you like me to post

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