Chapter 32

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Calum's POV

I was currently at the gangs secret hospital sitting down waiting for Stella to wake up. Stella was hooked up to a lot of machines  since she lost all of blood. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it "please please be okay."I begged As I squeezed her hand I felt a squeeze on my hand. Stella was awake she squinted her eyes and took off her oxygen mask.

"Calum where am I."Stella said

"You're in the hospital."I said

"I am wow I can't believe that bitch Alex didn't kill me."Stella sacrtcscally laughed

"Not funny Stella you could have died."I said angrily 

"I needed to save you."Stella said

"Why?"I asked

"Because you always saved me now its to for the princess to save her prince."Stella said with a smile

"Is Dylan okay."Stella said with sad eyes 

"Stella Dylan passed once he shot himself."I said rubbing her hand 

"Oh my god."Stella said about to cry 

"Stella is okay it's okay."I said getting off my seat to go hug her.

"It's gonna be okay right I just lost my brother and probably my babies."Stella yelled 

"Hey hey we don't know that yet."I said hugging her 

"When huh when will we know."Stella said angry 

"Right now."Bryana said coming in 

"Bryana."Stella said 

"Yep it's me love."Bryana said 

"What are you doing here."Stella asked

"Someone in the gang need to be a doctor."Bryana said 

"I have come news about the babies and your dad."Bryana said 

"Wait what happened to my dad."Stella said angry 

"Calum didn't tell you."Bryana said

"No."Stella said angry looking at me 

"You're dad got shot in the leg."Bryana said

"Oh my god what other bad news you get."Stella yelled top the ceiling 

"Stella you're dad is going to be fine and your babies are fine to."Bryana said

"Really."Stella whispered 

"Yes."Bryana said walking out of the room 

"Well at least I have my babies,my dad, my mom, and my you."Stella said looking at me 

"You'll always have me."I said kissing her on the cheek 

"Promise me no more lies when we have our babies."Stella said looking me in the eyes

"I promise."I said crossing my fingers 

"Also promise me if we have the gangs in our lives we won't involve the kids."Stella said 

"Of course."I said lying again 

"Good."Stella said kissing me on the lips

"Now how about we start thinking about the names for the babies."I said 

A/N Happy New years eve one more chapter left then another book of this to go.

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