Chapter 26

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a/N Please read I am so sorry I didn't update for a month I had sports and a ton shit of homework. I am back with once a week posts. 

I leaned my head on window of the taxi. I see the lights of the city so beautiful to bad I have to leave. I stare at the city a little to long to realize that this isn't the way to the airport. 

"Sir I think you're going the wrong way."I said

"I'm sorry Stella.The taxi driver said 

"How do you know my name."I asked

All of a sudden the taxi stopped and the man put a rag to my moth. I tried to fight him by puching and kicking him but nothing worked soon I found myself falling asleep slowly.

(Tax driver)

"Boss we got her."I said over the phone 

"Is she knocked out as I planned."The boss said

"Yes she's out as a light."I said

"Good Good take her to the abandon hotel that's where the plan will finish."The boss said 

"As you wish."I said  hanging up 

The taxi driver headed over to the abandon hotel down by Waver street. The ride was about 2 hours away from Stellas home.  The taxi driver pulled up to the hotel, the hotel was still in pretty good shape, the paint color was fainting, a few broken windows, but still not bad.  The taxi driver went over to the seat Stella was in and carried her over his shoulder. He went inside the hotel and carried her up 3 floors to hide her. The taxi driver put her on a bed and hand cuffed her hands to the bed frame and tied her mouth with a bandanna.  Once the bandanna was placed around Stella's mouth she started to stir up. 

"mmm."Stella said

"Welcome to hell."The man said

"Help."Stella tried to scream

"IT's to late to scream."He said punching Stella 

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