Chapter 20 Revived

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Stella's POV 

I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the sunlight peaking through the window. I looked around the bed and saw that Calum wasn't here. I shook it off and headed to the bathroom.I stripped off Calum's shirt and headed inside the shower. 

I turned on the hot water allowing it to touch my body. The water felt good on my skin , it was just relaxing. I scrubbed my hair with my strawberry shampoo and conditioner. I scrubbed my body with my raspberry body wash and washed it off after. Once I was done taking my shower I grabbed a fluffy white towel from the dresser and headed to my closet for an outfit.  I chose a casual outfit a black tank top with a airplane on it, some light wash  boyfriend jeans, my white Adidas and my glasses.  When I finished getting ready I headed downstairs to get some breakfast cause your girl needs some food.

I slowly jogged downstairs and headed into the kitchen. When I got inside the kitchen I saw my dad,mom, Dylan, Alex and Calum sitting down eating breakfast. For second I thought my life could once be normal like this. But I knew it could never be normal with my dad being a gang leader, my not dead brother being inside my dads gang, and the boy I fell in love with a gang leader I know my life will never be normal.  I went down to the table and sat next to Calum. I grabbed a piece of french toast and put it on my plate.

As I was eating my food Calum planted a soft kiss on my cheek and whispered"I'll see you in a little bit."He said

"where are you going."I asked

"He's coming with me and Dylan."My dad said

"To where."I asked

"Where just gonna be shooting around in one of my old warehouses for target practice."My dad said 

"Oh okay."I said unsure if my dad was lying or not

"I'll see you later I love you."Calum said planting yet another kiss on my cheek.

I sat there wondering where they were really going. I know my dad wouldn't lie to me wait never mind he has lied to me before he lied about being in a gang, being divorced with my mom, and my brother being dead. I just really hope he's not lying about this.

"Hey you okay."Alex said 

"Huh oh yeah."I said fake smiling 

"How about we do something fun today."Alex said

"What kind of fun  Dylan would kill me and you if you got hurt."I said

"Well Dylan isn't here plus I may be pregnant but I still want to go out and do some wild and stupid things."Alex said

"Well I've always wanted to shoot a bow and arrow on fire."I said smirking 

"Then let's go."Alex said  

A/N sorry I haven't updated school's been crazy please tell me when it's been to long since I've updated. If i get feed back I need to update more I will.I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 

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