Chapter 23

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Calum's POV

"I hope she likes this place."I sighed

"She'll love it Calum."Sean said

"Are you sure?"I asked

"Sort of."Sean said

"She's probably gonna be pissed I didn't tell her about this."I said

"She'll be pissed but safe."Sean said 

"Do you think this house will be safe enough."I said

"Calum this house has 24 hour surveillance, hidden weapons all over, and her dogs will be living here to I'm sure she'll be safe."Sean said

"Yeah I guess so."I sighed 

"Don't be like that Calum you and I both know this is safe for her."Sean said

"I know you're right."I said

"I'm usually am right."Sean laughed

"You did a nice job in her bedroom."I said

"Yeah she's really into that bohemian theme so if she's gonna be living here for a while might as well customize it."Sean laughed 

"Well she's gonna be pissed at us."I said

"Yeah but she'll get it soon enough."Sean said

"Well do we tell her?"I asked

"Tomorrow."Sean said

"And when does she have to fully move in here."I asked

"3 days."Sean said

"That's what I'm afraid of."I said

"Hey Calum all of us need to focus about this war."Sean said

"Yeah I know."I said

"No say yes sir."Sean said

"Why would I say yes sir."I asked annoyed

"Because I know that you are serious."Sean said

"Yes sir."I grumbled

"Calum you won't be able to see Stella when she comes to this house."Sean said

"Why the fuck not."I yelled

"Because people can be tracking you with her."Sean said

"People can be tracking us to this house right now."I said

"Yeah I know that's why I disabled the GPS and had our location tracked to the middle of nowhere."Sean said

"This is so stupid."I said

"Calum it's not stupid it's safe."Sean said

"Yeah whatever."I said

"Come on let's head to the car it's a  3 hour ride  back."Sean said exiting the door

"Why did I agree to this."I said exiting the door

Sean and I entered the car to see Dylan in the back sleeping since he didn't want to check out the house. The car ride back home was dead silent. I didn't really want to say anything I would regret or waste any air fighting for a chance for Stella to stay with us.

The 3 hour car ride was quick since I took a nap the rest of the way to the house. I opened my door and slammed it shut.I ran over to the front door to open it and see Stella right away. As I entered the house I see Alex sitting there drinking some tea.

"Alex do you know where Stella is?"I asked

"Yeah she's sleeping she was feeling a bit ill."Alex said faking sadness

"Uh okay thanks."I said hesitated 

I swear somethings not right with Alex she's acting weird but I brush it off. I go upstairs to see Stella sleeping in a large t shirt and shorts. I made my way towards the bed and put the covers over both of us.I pulled in Stella close to me wrapping my two arms around her waist.

"I promised I wouldn't break your heart but I might have to do it one more time."I said kissing her forehead  

A/N I would love for you guys to read my new book The 5 phases of having a crush I'm working on it so hard. So I would love for you guys to check it out. I love you guys. I'm sorry I took a break I just needed a little me time. How do you guy's feel that I'm back writing 

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