Chapter 4

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Stella's POV 

"Home sweet home."Michael said getting off the jet

"Yeah sure."I  said stepping off the jet with Gunner  my side

"Why long are you going to be like this."Calum said 

"How does forever sound."I said

"Uh terrible. "Calum said

"Well to bad."I said 

All of a sudden 4 big SUV's pulled up next to us. Four large men in suits came out of the the SUV's and opened up the doors.

"Welcome back King."One of the men said

"It's good to be back James."Calum said patting his chest

"Alright who's in what SUV."Luke said 

"I'll take my own."Ashton said going to one SUV 

"I'll take one to."Michael said

"I guess I'll take the one with the bags."Luke said running to the SUV

"We'll I guess it's just you and me now."Calum said putting his arm over my shoulder

"Hell no."I said removing his arm from my shoulder 

"Well there's no other SUVs so let's go."Calum said dragging me to the SUV

"Come on Gunner."Calum said

Calum carried me over to the SUV  so I couldn't run off. I went all the way in the back of SUV and rested my head on the window.Why me I thought to myself.

"You okay back there."Calum said

"Just peachy."I said

"I'm sorry."Calum said

"Mmmmm."I said

"I am really sorry."Calum said

"Yeah okay."I said 

Calum took off his seat belt and moved over to the back seat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me body and held me close

"I just couldn't lose you."Calum whispered in my ear

I wrapped my hands around his arms and layed my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and held me closer. As he was holding me I felt myself falling asleep.

(Calum's POV) 

I just wanted to hold Stella in my arms forever. I haven't seen her in a year and I really missed her. I know she's mad at me fro bringing her back here she has had it rough with all the memories but I just hope she can calm down about it. 

"Sir where."James said 

"Alright."I said 

I picked up Stella and carried her outside the SUV inside the mansion . I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and layed Stella on the bed. I grabbed the bags from James and unpacked Stella's stuff into the closet once I was done I put a blanket on Stella and went downstairs to the living room .

"Look who's back."Rena said 

"Yeah I'm back how were the dogs."I asked

"They were fine."Rena said

"Did you bring back my best friend."Kayla said

"Yeah she's taking nap upstairs."I said

"I thought I was your best friend."Luke said

"shut up."Kayla said and hit his chest

"I'm Stella's best friend."I said with a smirk

"No shut up."Kayla said 

"I am it's true."I said

"No it isn't."I said

"I'm what."I sleepy voice said

We all turned around to see Stella rubbing her eye


"I missed you Kayla."Stella said

"You to best friend."Kayla said with a smrik

"Yeah I missed my best friend."Stella said

"See I told."Kayla said

"Well at least I'm her boyfriend."I said

"Who said anything about boyfriend?"Stella said

Which had me really confused

A/N I just want to say HIGH SCHOOL CAN SUCK MY ASS TO MUCH FAKE BITCHES TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME .BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND YOU GUYS MAKE ME HAPPY😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💝💝💝💝💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💖💖💖💖

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