Chapter 25

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I was in my room laying on the bed just thinking"Why don't I just get up and leave?" I thought to myself. I've been through so much trouble with this family anyway. I got up from the bed dried my tears with the sleeves of my sweater and went to my closet. 

I got out a black converse bag and started to pack my stuff inside of it. I took my passport, 100,000 grand in cash, my fake ID,and I put on the necklace my dad gave when I was five. I changed into black ripped jeans, a red shirt, black and white converse, and a black leather jacket.

As I was putting on my leather jacket, I looked down on my wrist and I saw the bracelet Calum got me for Christmas. I looked at all the charms reminding me of all the memories. The cherry blossom tree our special sport, a motorcycle the time I rode in back of his motorcycle on our first date, a C+S, and finally a S

.I sighed at the thought of all of our memories. I went over to my desk and started to write a letter to Calum. As I was writing the letter, I teared up a bit, But I just had to suck it up. I took the letter and the bracket he got me and put it on the bed.

I took one deep breath before getting ready to leave. Stepping slowly to the window I was thinking about what I was actually doing right now. I am going to be leaving the love of my life, my undead dad, my mom, and my undead brother. "Is it all worth it?" I thought to myself. "Do what your heart says."my brain said.

"I hate you brain."I muttered to myself

I went over to my window finally getting ready to leave. I opened the window silently so no one would hear. Putting my bag over my shoulders and my both my legs hanging off the ledge of the window ready to jump. I thought to myself for one last second" I love you guys."I thought and I jumped landing on the patch grass below.

"Few that could have been worse."I thought to myself

I brushed off the grass all over my body and brought myself up. "Time to start my new life again."I said to myself. I started running away to the house and near the street.

"TAXI!!!!" I yelled

The taxi stopped right away in my tracks. I opened the door and slammed it.

"Where to miss."The taxi man said

"The airport."I said

"Alright." The taxi guy said driving

"Time to start over one last time."I said 

A/N How do you guys like that I'm back?Should I never leave again? Tell me when I should update. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 

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