Chapter 7

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I opened the door from Bryana's car and saw Calum sitting on the porch swing outside the mansion. 

I'll be inside."Bryana said walking inside 

I walked over to the porch wing and sat next to I'm putting my head on his shoulder 

"Hey."I said

"hey."Calum said

"I'm sorry."I said

"I get it why you ran."Calum said

"I'm sorry."I said again

"I know it's hard for you to come back to this life."Calum said grabbing my hand 

"I'm sorry."I kept saying

"You don't have to keep saying sorry it's my fault I brought you in this life."Calum said

"I'm just can't get over what's happened in my life."I said

"I know it's a lot to take in."Calum said

"How?"I asked

"My dad got killed right in front of me I moved my sister and mum away to keep them safe."Calum said

"I'm sorry." said

"Don't be if any of this didn't happen I wouldn't have been a gang leader and wouldn't have been with you."Calum said rubbing my hand.

"You know I still love you right."I said

"I know."Calum said

"How?"I asked

"Because you still wear the charm bracelet I gave."Calum said

I look down at my wrist to see my charm bracelet I haven't taken it off ever since Calum ad given it to me

"If you didn't love or care about me you would have gotten ridden of it."Calum said

"And even if you didn't love me I would still love you."Calum said kissing my forehead.

For the rest of the time we just sat in silence no word until I spoke up.

"why didn't you tell me about your dad."I asked

"Because I couldn't ."Calum said

"Oh."I said

"But one day I would like for to see meet I'm at his grave."Calum said

"I would like that."I said

"Me to."Calum said with a smile

A/N Smile through the bad days and be positive during the stressful days,just be happy because you always have a chance to smile. 

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