Chapter 13

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(Stella's POV) 

We were all at my old house seating on the kitchen table.

"Honey you want anything to drink."My mom said

"Nope I want to hear the truth from all of you."I said with a serious face

"Alright dad you can go."Dylan said

"Really son putting me on the spot."My dad

"Hey you made me pretend to die."Dylan said

"That was the plan."Dad said

"Yeah yeah."Dylan said


"Okay okay."My dad said

"Stella come down."Calum said grabbing my hand from the under and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Okay it all started a few months after you turned 16 and Dylan was 20. I remember everything like it was yesterday my gan your mom and Dylan where all in my business room talking about taking over Italy, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, and  Philippines . The plan was to have Dylan fake is death so he could start the plan but the only thing that was holding us back was you Stella.My dad said

"Why was I holding you guys back."I asked

"Because we didn't want you to be involved in the business . So when we told you that Dylan got into a car accident and didn't make it was actually on our private jet to Italy to start the plan. Then phase 2 came into place where your mother and I pretended to be divorced so you could stay with mom and the rest would go to plan but it didn't. You wanted to come with me and since you begged and since you didn't give up I had to take you with me but what I didn't expect was you finding out about my gang.

"But I did follow you . Were you planning to fake your own death all this time."I said

"Yes but with you coming to Australia with you is a lot  was harder for me to go."My dad said

"So why did you choose to reveal yourself now after a whole year."I asked

"Stella I'm at war."my dad said

"Wait what war."I said

"I'm in war against the snakes, Hell's devils, Vice Lord's,and Latin Kings."My dad said

"Now what is that supposed to mean for us."I asked

"I need you Stella and Calum's gang to join me."My dad asked

"Dad .....................................

A/N damn what a story huh. I want to try push you guys to get this chapter to 20 votes for my next update. LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH 

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