Chapter 11

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Calum opened this huge black gate and let me in first. I looked around my surrounding knowing I've been somewhere like this before . I looked at Calum and he gave me a sad smile. I gently grabbed my hand and intertwined it. As we starting walking I felt like I knew were he wanted to take me. We finally made a stop and we both crouched down. Calum looked at me and smile and said hi dad."

"It's nice to meet you MR.Hood"Stella  said 

"Dad this is my beautiful girlfriend."Calum said

"I hope you approve of me Mr.Hood."Stella said

"Dad this girl is my rock she's my every thing and I love her."calum said kissing my cheek

"I love your son very much and I hope your still watching over him as he's in his gang."Stella said

"Oh yeah dad I brought your favorite pasta, beer, and flowers."Calum said putting them down

"I miss you dad a lot."Calum said as Stella rubbed his back 

What felt like hours of Calum and Stella talking to Mr.Hood they felt like it was time to leave. 

"Bye dad love you."Calum said

"Bye Mr.Hood for this blessing."Stella said


"IT was nice meeting you to Stella take care of my boy Calum."Mr.Hood

(Back to Stella's POV)

Calum and I walked hand in hand out the cemetery. As we reached the motorcycle I looked at Calum and said"You know I'm really glad I met you dad"I said

"me too"Calum said

"Now it's time to see the last time I saw my dad."I said and looked down

"It'll be okay love you'll be fine."Calum said kissing my forehead

"I hope so."I said

"Come on put on the helmet and we'll go it's 7:00 and it's almost a 3 hour drive there."Calum said

"Alright."I said putting on the helmet while Calum got on the bike. I put on the helmet and hopped in the back of the bike. I wrapped my arms around Calum's waist as he started to drive.

(at the warehouse let's say around 10:00)

Calum parked the bike in a random stall and we both got off. I took off the helmet and put on the bike. I grabbed Calum's hand as we walked to the warehouse as we walked inside I saw tables flipped ,chairs broken, and papers scattered. 

"Stella you okay."Calum said

"Yeah let's just go to his office."I said holding his hand tighter

We both walked to the office and Calum opened the door. I looked around and saw everything the same last time I was here. I looked down and saw a picture of me and him I smiled at memory of it. We were at the fair  having a father daughter day I remember my dad winning me a huge bear and giving me a gold heart shape necklace it was such a happy day. I looked down at my necklace and smiled it reminded me of my dad. 

"You okay babe."Calum said

"Yeah I'm fine."I said looking done

All of a sudden the door slammed closed causing both me and Calum to look up.

"No fuken way."I said

"Hello Stella."One person said

"Long time no see."Another person said


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