Chapter 31

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Calum's POV


"Calum what's going on?"She asked

"It's war out their and I need you to be safe."I said handing her a gun

"Stella you stay here and lock the door okay don't you dare let anyone in."I said

"Calum don't get in there please."Stella said with pity eyes

"I am promise I'm coming back but I need to help protect the rest of my family out there."I said kissing her lips

"I love you."I said leaving

"I love you too."She whispered

"Let's play assholes."I said shooting a guy in a head

"Yeah let's play."Alex smirked

Alex with a gun in her hand tried to shoot at me but I lucky dodged it by ducking. I looked at Alex who had an annoyed look on her face while I smirked. I looked over my right shoulder to see anger, hurt, and sadness in Dylan's face.I could Dylan wanted vengeance he wanted to kill Alex but at the same time he could bring himself to it.He looked at me with pained eyes indicating that Alex was his target not mine,I looked at him and just nodded in response.

After, that brief moment I went back to shooting people from left and right trying to protect my gang members. Every where people were dying by getting shot, stabbed, beaten to death it was a horrific/gruesome seen no one should ever see. As I was fighting something caught my eye,it was Stella she had a gun in her hand and started shooting.

"Stella get out of here."I yelled in between shooting people


"Oh god."I mumbled and continued to shoot

All of a sudden from the corner of my eye I see Alex running up to Stella ready to kill her.

"Stella!!"I yelled but it was to late.

Alex had grabbed Stella by her neck pointing her gun at Stella's head. She shot her gun in the air to grab everybody's attention.Boom went the gun.

"Enough!"Alex yelled

"Alex drop the dun."I said gently

"No you all ruined my life now I am going to ruin yours."Alex said pushing the gun back Stella's head

"Please Alex don't." Dylan said

"I have to you ruined my life now I'm going to kill her and your babies."Alex said now pointing to Stella's stomach .

"What do you mean babies?"I asked

"You dumb fool your darling Stella here is pregnant with two babies."Alex laughed

"So instead of killing one life I'll just end three."Alex said pointing the gun to Stella's head once more

"No."Dylan said in tears

"oh darling Dylan I am going to kill your sister like how you killed my boyfriend." Alex smirked

"I'll start by doing this."Alex said shooting Stella's shoulder

"Noon."Sean, Dylan, and I yelled at the same time

Stella dropped to the floor groaning in pain. Stella laid on the floor touching her wound lightly. She saw looked at the blood now on her fingers and started to feel sick.

"Now you've done it."Dylan said running up to Alex

Dylan ran up to Alex at full speed punching her in the face. The punch in the face caused Alex and her gun to fall onto the ground. Dylan picked up the gun and put his hand on the trigger.

"I'll always love you."Dylan said pulling the trigger shooting Alex straight in the head causing her to instantly die.

"I'll always love you guys too."Dylan said putting the gun to his head

"Dylan don't do it."Sean said

"Dylan please no."Stella said still in pain

"It's time for me to be with the person I love."Dylan said getting ready to pull the trigger

"Goodbye Stella and dad I'll always love you."Dylan said shooting himself in the head.

"Noo."Stella cried

"no no no."Stella said about to faint

"Stella no."I said running over to her

"This war is over."Sean said killing the last 3 members to the Alex's gang

"Come on Stella stay with me now."I said shaking her

"Calum."Stella said holding my cheek

"No Stella keep your eyes open."I yelled

"I love you I've never stopped."Stella weakly smiled

"Take care of the babies if they make it."Stella said closing her eyes

"no no no."I screamed

"Calum we got to go now we have to take her to the hospital she's loosing so much blood."Sean said

I picked up Stella bridal style running to the SUV. I placed Stella in the back seat while I got into the front and started driving to the gang house.

"Please stay with me Stella."I whispered

A/N I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a week I've been just not my self. I'm feeling super sad all the time and I just want to sleep. I am so sorry if  I've disappointed any of you but I love all you guys 💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻🌻

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