Chapter 19

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Stella's POV 

After dinner was over Calum and I decided to go to bed. I went over to my dresser and changed into my black lace panties and one of Calum's shirts.  As I was changing into the shirt Calum started to kiss my neck.

"My beatiful angel."Calum said 

"Shut up babe I know you just want to get it in tonight."I smirked not makng eye contact at him

"Maybe."Calum said kissing my neck harder leaving a trail of hickies 


I tug at the bottom of his shirt so he'll take it off,which he does, followed by taking off my clothing an tossing it on the floor. Calum embraced me, an threw both of us on his bed. He started sucking my collarbone.

Calum leans out an positions his dick at my vagina. Without warning he starts thrusting himself in to me.


Calum resumes thrusting himself into me at a much faster pace than before. Calum let's out deep groans as he feels himself pry into me.His arms were wrapped my waist the whole time.

"You're so fuken hot /Stella ." Calum said

"You're so damn perfect you're my princess an I wanna please my princess." Calum said

Calum starts kissing my neck again. I could feel his lips form into a smile against your skin.

Calum's fingers traveled around my face,soon gripping my hair. I felt a tug every time he thursted back into me as hard as he could.

"Fuck Calum faster." I yelled

"What's the magic word baby?"Calum said

"Please Calum faster."I yelled

"Your wish is my command." Calum said

He started to go faster an faster it felt so good. Calum an I both closed our eyes at the end hearing each other pleasant sounds. You both fell back on the bed sweat all over your bodys.

"That was amazing babe I love you." Calum said

"I love you too."I said

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