Chapter 1

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Chris Evans. Where do I begin? Well first let me start with me. My name is Amber Sommer and I am 19 years old. I recently moved in with my extremely hunky boyfriend Chris. We have been dating for 3 years now and I have never been more in love in my life. Chris and I have been talking about getting married, but he wants to do it right. He wants to get my parents permission first. Three weeks ago before he left to go film his new Captain American movie in Washington D.C we had a wonderful night together. I wanted to go with him but I can't because I have Stanford University to attend and I am guaranteed to fail if i miss to many classes. Anyway I have been feeling nausea and really hungry lately so I had gone to the doctor to see what was wrong. The doctor told me that I am 3 weeks pregnant. That was 2 weeks ago, I still haven't told Chris yet. I plan on telling him tomorrow when I get to Washington I am kind of scared of how he is going to react.


Chris POV

I am so excited I get to see my beautiful girlfriend in a few minutes. I am waiting for her in the airport, her plane has already landed.

"I am over here." I yell slightly when I see her looking for me. God she is soo beautiful.

She smiles and comes runing towards me with her luggage. As soon as she is close enough to me she drops her luggage, jumps into my arms and kisses me. I feel electric shock go through my body. Kissing her always felt so right. We pull away from each other.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." she replies blushing and tucking some stray hair behind her ear.

"I missed you." We both say at the same time causing us to both laugh.

"Lets go back to the hotel, then we can get something to eat and have another great night like we did before I left." I say to her as I pick up her luggage.

"Ok." She replies.

I look at her as I stand up with her luggage in my hand. Something is off, she seems so nervous. I can tell something is bother because she is biting her lip, which she only does when she is worried about something.

"Baby are you ok; you seem nervous?" I ask her.

"Yea, um I just have to tell you something when we get in the car." She replies as her face loses some color.

I hope that everything is ok.

In the car

Amber's POV

We get into the car and Chris looks at me and says "So what did you have to tell me?"

"Well umm- uh- I am pregnant." I say.

He looks shocked and he has no expression on his face. And my heart suddenly stops beating as if someone turned it off.

Then there is nothing but silence.

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