Chapter 12

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Chris POV

Amber left. I can't believe she left and I just let her go. I fling open the door and race down the hall. She is standing in front of the elevator waiting for it to reach the floor we are on. She is crying. I can hear her crying.

"Amber." I say as I place my hand on her shoulder?

She turns around and cries into my chest.

"Don't cry. It's not true she is lying." I say.

"Why would she lie?" She asks me between sobs.

"I don't know. Maybe she is jealous." I reply as I rub her back.

"Jealous? And how would she know that I am pregnant?" She asks.

"She was a very obsessive girlfriend, that's why I broke up with her. And I kind of told all my friend as soon as you told me. I was just so excited." I say.

"You told all your friends? I thought we were going to keep it between us for a little while?" She replies. She isn't crying as hard anymore.

"I know, but I couldn't help it. My soon to be wife, who I love more than anything in the world is having a baby, my baby. I just got so excited." I say smiling down at her.

A light smile spread across her lips.

"Amber come back. I need you. Please. I swear that I never cheated. Just please don't leave me. I am begging you. I love so much. You mean-" I plead but get cut of by her lips.

When we break apart, she doesn't seem as sad anymore.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too." She replies.


Amber's POV

We get back to the hotel room. I open the pizza box. Then I open the pickle and peanut butter jar. I place pickles and smear the peanut butter over all the pizza slices except for 2.

"So I only get two slices?" Chris asks.

"Yep. I am starving." I say before eating a slice of pizza.

We continue to eat and talk. After we finish eating chris puts all the garbage in a clear plastic bag.

"I'll be back. I am going to get fruit from the lobby. I am still hungry." He says and then walks out of the door.

I make my way over to the bed and see the letter that is addressed to Chris. I open the envelope and read the letter.

Hello Chris,

I miss you so much. We haven't seen each other in ages. I can't stop thinking about the last time we made love and you told me how beautiful I was. I can't believe that was years ago.

Anyway that worthless young little pregnant gold digger you were planning on marrying isn't right for you. Since you are to blind to

see it, I had to take matters into my into my own hands. She probably thinks that your a cheater, gosh she has such little faith in you. If I were herI would have believed you when you said that you never cheated. Do you really want to marry a girl who doesn't even have enough trust in you to believe you when you beg, plead and constantly tell her that you never


She too young and immature for you. You need a REAL woman. Someone who could give you all you need. I am the right women for you. Your whole family loved me. So choose me!

Well since your a free man. Come see me. I am in room 326. I taped my room key to the back of this page.



Now I officially know that Chris never cheated and that Minka is a nut job. I take her room key off the back page. I plan on ending this problem before it gets any worse. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.

"Amber can open the door? I left my room key." Chris says.

I quickly slide the letter in the trash under the pizza box and place Minka's room key in my bra.

I open the door for Chris. He walks into the room and places 3 apples 2 oranges and 1 banana on the table. I immediately attack his lips. He kiss me back after a few seconds.I pull up his shirt and he takes it off.. I take my hand and rub it on his rock hard abs.

I detach our lips and moan "God, your so sexy."

He smirks and say "And I am all yours."


Chris is asleep. I slowly slide out off the bed, making sure that I don't wake him up. I pick up clothing that is scattered on the floor. I put my bra back on and take the room key in my hand. I slowly open the door to make sure that it doesn't make any sounds.

I walk down the hallway and into the elevator and press floor 3. When the elevator opens I walk down the hallway and find room 326. I slide the room key and open the door.

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