Chapter 5

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Scarlet POV

I am so happy that Amber agreed to this fight. Not only do I get to knock her out, but I get to end her relationship with Chris.

Chris POV

I am so worried about Amber and the baby. What if Scarlet hits her in the stomach causing Amber to have a miscarriage. I can't watch her get knocked out.

Amber POV

I am am wearing a sugar lip that shows my small baby bump, which causes me to smile. I slip on a pair of boxing glove and walk up to the padded floor.

Chris grabs my shoulder and says "Don't do this. Think about me and the baby." He pleads.

"You have to trust me when I say I am going to knock her ass out and that both me and the baby will be fine." I say and kiss his lips.

I step on the padded floor and walk up to Scarlet. Sebastian scream "3,2,1 fight!"

Scarlet and I are circling each other. She throws the first punch which I dodge. I then throw a right hook which cause her to stumble. After 10
minuets are dodges and punches, I decide that it's time to end this with my left and right hook. I throw them and knock her out.

"Whoo!" Sebastian and Cobie scream.

Joe comes running over asking what happened. I explain and he calls an ambulance.

I take off the boxing gloves and change back into my regular clothes. When I come back, Scarlet is awake and two medics are talking to her and checking to see if she is alright.

Chris came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and said "Where did you learn how to do that? I mean damn that was crazy and sexy! And the foods here." He says.

I turn around and say "If I tell you then I'd have to kill you. I am going to check on Scarlet" I say and then give his lips a quick peck.

I walk over to her. She look at me and then looks away. "If you are here to rub it in, just leave." She says.

"No I am here to see if you are ok and to end our problems." I say.

"We'll I am ok, my head just hurts a little. And how do you want to end our problems." Scarlet replies.

"We end our problem by you excepting the fact that Chris loves me and that you and him are not going to happen." I says.

"Ok." She replies.

I walk away and go sit next to Chris and eat my food.
After lunch was over, I was about to leave when Chris begs me to stay and watch him practice his fight scenes. Of course like a sucker I give in and decide to stay.

The director walks in causing everyone to become serious. I get off of Chris's lap.

"Listen up everyone, due to the whole Scarlet incident you all get to leave. Chris and Amber come here, I need to talk to you." Anthony the director said.

Chris grab my hand and I give him an apologetic look.

"Well I heard about you and Scarlet's fight." Anthony starts.

"I am so sorry about that. I was just angry and it was stupid. I am soo sorry and..." I begin but get cut off by Anthony.

"There is no need to apologize. I am offering you a part in the movie. I heard about the incident and decided that I will create your part as Captain America's love interest. You are beautiful, can kick some ass and have chemistry with each other already so you are perfect for the part." Anthony says.

I am shocked and look up at Chris. He has a big smile on his face.

"So what do you says?" Anthony asks.

"Yes! Thank you so much!" I reply.

He walks away and me and Chris go back to the hotel.

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