Chapter 3

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Ambers POV

I am in the bathroom throwing up everything but my guts for the 3rd time tonight. Chris is right behind me hold my hair and rubbing small circles in my back.

"I'm soo tired." I reply while laying my head on the rim of the toilet seat.

"I know baby, lets go back to bed." He replies. His eyes are red and he looks beyond tired. I feel so bad for constantly waking him up. I know he has to be up early in the morning for filming.

"I still feel nauseous. Go back to bed I'll be there in a little while." I say.

"No I will stay with you. I am not going to leave my beautiful girlfriend and the mother of my unborn child by herself." Chris says defensively.

"Babe you are only going to be 20 ft away from me, not 17,000 miles away. So you don't need to be overly dramatic. Also you have to be up in 3 hours, you have to play the strong, sexy and heroic Captain America." I say while chuckling.

He gets up, kisses the top of my head and before walking out of the door he turns around and says "Don't be long, I can't sleep without you."

"Ok I wont." I reply. I watch his body fade into the darkness of the next room.

I sigh after siting here for an estimate of 5 minutes. I go to get up but dont have the strength to do it, so I just stay here. My head laying on the rim of the toilet seat and arms in my lap. I feel a rush of sleep wash over me and take over my body. My eyes flutter shut and I fall asleep.

Chris POV

I have been trying to fall asleep for 20 minutes now, but I can't without Amber's body next to me. I need to feel her body pressed against mine and her head buried in the crook of my neck or deep in my chest. I love that we fit like puzzle peices. She is my missing puzzle peice, my better half and the love of my life. I am planning on proposing to her after I meet her parents in three days.

I decide to go check on Amber, she has been in there for a while. I get out of the bed and walk up to the bathroom door.

"Baby are you ok?" I ask.

There is no response so I push open the door and I see Amber asleep. Her head resting on the rim of the toliet her legs are crossed and her hands limp in her lap. A smile begins to tug at the edges of my lips. I tip toe across the cool bathroom tiles. I pick her up, which causes her to stir slightly. I place her on the bed and pull the blankets over her. I then slide into bed next to her, spooning her. She automatically turns around and buries her head into my chest. I wrap my arm around her waist, close my eyes and drift off to sleep

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