Chapter 23

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Ambers POV

"You just need a few stitches and your good to go." The doctor tells me.

Well here comes anothe stomach scar. I already had one from the surgery and now I might get another one from the stitches.

"I think we should get an ultrasound, just to make sure that the baby is ok." Chris tells the docotor.

"Sir, that won't be nessecary the gash is just a few inches deep. I can almost gurantee that the babies health was not effected." Dr. Sliverman says.

"You can almost gurantee? This is my child you are talking about. I ultrasound should be done. When it comes to a baby you should take precautions." Chris tells the docotor

"Mr.Evans, I would never put any patient, let alone a baby in danger. This my job, which I take very seriously. If an ultrasound was nesccary I would have had her get one." Dr. Silverman tells Chris.

"I know but-" Chris starts.

"I am sorry Dr. Silverman. My fiancée is nervous and very caution because this is our first child." I interupt and tell the doctor apologetically.

He nods and walks out to go get a nurse to stitch me up.

"Chris, why do you have to question him? He is a doctor and he would know." I tell him.

"I sorry I am just worried that's all." He says, but he seems off like there is something bothering him.


After leaving the hospital  Chris took me out to dinner and then we went home.We cleaned up all the destroyed objects in the house. Afterwards we head to bed and I fall fast asleep in Chris's arms.

Chris POV

I glance at the clock, which read 5:30 am. I then look down at a sleeping Amber and slowly untangle myself from her. I get out of the bed and search the dawn lit room for my phone. I spot it on the dresser and go to retrieve it, but my foot gets caught on something on the floor causing me to trip and land on the floor with a thud. I quickly get up grab my phone and head for the door. Before leaving our bedroom I check and see if Amber is still asleep, which she thankfully is.

Ambers POV

I am hear a thud and awaken to an empty bed. I sit up in bed looking around the room for Chris. I stand up and head for the hallway, but stop when I hear Chris on the phone. 

I was going to turn around and head back to the bed but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Chris quietly yell "You could have killed her Minka! Killing Amber is not part of the plan! You could have messed everything up!"

What plan? Him and Minka have a plan?! Oh my god they are plotting together.

"In time Minka, but not now. You must be patient and then we will both get what we want!" Chris yells lowly.

There going to kill me in time? They both want me dead, but why I don't understand? Maybe I have got this all wrong.

"I know that you envy her because she is having my baby. Something that you can't have, but you must be patient.

Oh my God! He used me to have a baby! His plan was to make me fall in love with him and knock me up. He only asked me to marry him as a cover up. I have to get out of her! I am going to leave to as soon as he falls asleep and go stay with my best friend Piper. He has only met her once, but he would never expect me to go there. I tip toe over to the bed and go to get in but slam my foot on the edge of the wooden bed  making a loud boom.

I hear Chris say "I've got to go, I think Amber woke up." 

I instantly close my eye and pretend to be sleep. I hear Chris's heavy footstep make there way to the bed. 

"Amber? Are you awake?" Chris asks and then pokes my arm.

"No, five more minutes." I fake whine sleepily.

I hear Chris let out a heavy sigh of relief.

I wait patiently for Chris to fall back asleep. When I 100% sure that he is I get out of bed and fill up a suitcase with enough clothes to last for a week or two. I am going to have to buy new clothes anyway because I am pregnant. I carry both my suitcase , wallet and phone down the stairs. I quietly call for a cab to pick me up. I grab a piece of paper and pen. I write a Chris a letter explaining that I know his plan and am not going to stick around and let it play out. Stray tears fall from my eyes and out to the letter staining the paper and causing the words to smear. I quietly turn off the alarm and head out the door. Before leaving I give my old home one last look. Beautiful memories and the thoughts of what could of been run through my mind. I sigh and shut the door knowing that what could have been will forever be that, what could have been. I lock the door and walk to the cab that is silently waiting outside just like I had instructed. I put my suitcase in the truck and then get into the cab. 

"Where to?" The taxi cab driver asks.

"LAX." I say somberly.

 I place my hand on my stomach and tears begin to fall as I watch the house as it begins to fade and whisper  "Goodbye Chris."                                                                                                                                           -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is only going to be one more chapter of this book. I have decided that I am going to make a sequel. Hope you liked it and please let me know what you think!

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